Committee structure

Full Council

Council meetings involve all elected County Councillors. The Full Council is responsible for approving the Council's:-


·        Policy Framework

·        Budget

·        Strategic Direction


Full Council meetings will deal with overarching issues where it is felt that a majority decision from all Councillors is required.



The Cabinet comprises the Leader of the Council and up to nine elected County Councillors appointed by the Leader, one of whom will be the Deputy Leader.


The Cabinet prepares Council policies and budgets and is responsible for most day-to-day decision making. The Cabinet also provides leadership and accountability for the local community. Each of the Cabinet Members (Portfolio Holders) are responsible for a specified portfolio.


The Cabinet works to a Forward Plan that sets out matters which the Leader of the Council believes will be the subject of a key decision to be taken by the Cabinet.



The Council has appointed the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee to discharge the functions conferred by Section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000 or any regulations made under Section 32 of the Local Government Act 2000.  The Committee will:


a)     Review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the Council’s functions;

b)     Review, develop or propose policies in connection with the discharge of any of the Council's functions;

c)     Make reports and/or recommendations to the full Council and/or the Cabinet and/or any policy, joint or Area Committee in connection with the discharge of any functions;

d)     Consider any matter affecting the area or its inhabitants;

e)     Exercise the right to call-in, for reconsideration, decisions made but not yet implemented by the Cabinet and/or any joint or Area Committees;

f)       Discuss initiatives put forward for consideration by individual members of the Committee and any relevant ‘call-for-action’ in accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules set out in Part 4 of the Constitution;

g)     Consider petitions referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in accordance with provisions set out in the Petition Scheme set out in Part 5 of this Constitution;

h)     Follow up on any Recommendations or reports.

Regulatory and other Committees

The Council has appointed the Committees set out below to fulfil their functions as set out in the Scheme of Delegation at Part 3 of the Constitution.


Other Bodies