Issue - meetings

Interim Position Statement on Housing Development

Meeting: 14/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 12)


To receive Report No. 108/2022 from the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Highways and Transport.

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.    APPROVED the Interim Position Statement on Housing Development in order to guide developers and investors and to function as a material consideration in decision making on planning applications pending the production of the Rutland Local Plan.


2.    APPROVED the Interim Position Statement on Housing Development for public consultation in order to guide developers and investors and to function as a material consideration in decision making on planning applications pending the production of the Rutland Local Plan.


3.    DELEGATED to the Strategic Director of Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Highways and Transport the consideration of all responses made through the public consultation and the determination of any subsequent changes to the Interim Position Statement.


Report No. 98/2022 was introduced by Councillor R Powell – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning, Highways and Transport.


A lot of work has gone into the production of a new Local Plan but as Rutland does not have a 5-year housing supply it means decisions on planning applications currently are having to be tilted in favour of sustainable development to be in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


The report focused on re-establishing the 5-year supply. The interim position statement set out the Councils position in relation to guiding development towards the most sustainable locations and boosting the supply.


Whilst the document was not a Supplementary Planning Document, it was recommended that public consultation is undertaken in line with the requirements for a SPD as set out in the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement.


Councillor M Oxley asked a question around Section 106 offers holding up the housing allocation numbers and what could be done to bring forward the Section 106 recommendations in order to add those to the housing supply calculation. Councillor Powell responded saying it was something officers were looking at in detail in terms of the housing supply and the deliverability of it. To adopt the statement now is the first step to improve that process


Members supported the adoption of this statement now as communities are seeing the spare space within the areas decrease due to approved planning developments. Members also were in support for the speed up of Section 106 offers to be included within the housing supply calculations.


Penny Sharp explained that progress with concluding Section 106 agreements often rested with developers/land owners rather than the Council’s planning team. Work is being carried out by officers alongside the legal team to look at speeding up the legal processes of those agreements. An update would come back to Cabinet when necessary.


Councillor R Powell proposed an additional recommendation to approve the Interim Position Statement on Housing Development in order to guide developers and investors and to function as a material consideration in decision making on planning applications pending the production of the Rutland Local Plan. This was seconded and upon being put to the vote the motion was unanimously agreed.




That Cabinet:


1.    APPROVED the Interim Position Statement on Housing Development in order to guide developers and investors and to function as a material consideration in decision making on planning applications pending the production of the Rutland Local Plan.


2.    APPROVED the Interim Position Statement on Housing Development for public consultation in order to guide developers and investors and to function as a material consideration in decision making on planning applications pending the production of the Rutland Local Plan.


3.    DELEGATED to the Strategic Director of Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Highways and Transport the consideration of all responses made through the public consultation and the determination of any subsequent changes to the Interim Position Statement.