Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 160)


Report No. 138/2017




Report No. 138/2017 from the Director of Public Health was received.


Ms J Mavji - Consultant in Public Health, introduced the report, the purpose of

which was to provide Cabinet with details of the proposed model for delivery and re-procurement of integrated sexual health services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) from 1 January 2019 when the current contract period ended.


During discussion the following points were raised:

       i.       There was no sexual health service provision at St Georges Barracks. Ms J Mavji would confirm to Cabinet if service users attend the outreach clinic at Kendrew Barracks outside of the meeting.

      ii.       Cabinet expressed their support to hold a stakeholder event in Rutland as part of the consultation. Mr Mathias asked for this to be progressed.

        iii.          The acronym GUM used on page 397, paragraph 3.6 of the report stands for genitourinary medicine.

    iv.       Mr Sandys confirmed that legal advice had been provided and the appropriate Governance is in place to mitigate most risks.

      v.       Mr Sandys would confirm to Cabinet that there was a ‘breach clause’ within the contract and it could be used if any of the 3 partners reduced their commitment or pulled out of the agreement at any time.




1.    Cabinet APPROVED the proposal to undertake a joint re-procurement of integrated sexual health services with Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council.


2.    Cabinet APPROVED the proposed draft model for Integrated Sexual Health Services from 1 January 2019 for consultation with key stakeholders in Rutland alongside the consultation in Leicestershire and Leicester City. Whilst changes to the Rutland delivery model were not significant, this gave opportunity for Rutland stakeholders to respond to changes in Leicester City and Leicestershire localities that potentially impacted Rutland residents.


3.    Cabinet APPROVED the revised integrated sexual health services delivery model and procurement framework to be brought to Cabinet post consultation for final approval.


Reasons for Decision

1.    Provision of open access sexual health services was the statutory responsibility of upper tier local authorities. Provision of appropriate sexual health services to meet the health needs of Rutland residents would have positive impacts for individuals, families and communities.

2.    The Rutland Sexual Health Needs Assessment, Sexual Health Strategy 2016-19 and review of current service data had been used to inform the future model for delivery of integrated sexual health services from 1 January 2019.

3.    In order for the procurement process to commence the model and procurement plan needed to be agreed by Cabinet.

4.    The proposed delivery model did not significantly change services in Rutland. However, it was recommended that stakeholders in Rutland were consulted on the proposed model alongside Leicester City and Leicestershire County Council’s consultation processes.

5.    A final delivery model and procurement framework would be brought to Cabinet for final approval post consultation.