Agenda and minutes

Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 4th December, 2018 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP

Contact: Joanna Morley  01572 758271

No. Item




Apologies were received from Ms Roz Lindridge and Professor Will Pope. Ms Sarah Hughes attended as a substitute for Ms Lindridge.



To confirm the record of the meeting of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board held on 18 September 2018 (previously circulated).


The minutes of the meeting of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board held on 18 September 2018 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



In accordance with the Regulations, Members are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests in respect of items on this Agenda and/or indicate if Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


No declarations of interest were received.



To receive any petitions, deputations and questions received from Members of the Public in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 93.


The total time allowed for this item shall be 30 minutes.  Petitions, declarations and questions shall be dealt with in the order in which they are received.  Questions may also be submitted at short notice by giving a written copy to the Committee Administrator 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.


The total time allowed for questions at short notice is 15 minutes out of the total time of 30 minutes.  Any petitions, deputations and questions that have been submitted with prior formal notice will take precedence over questions submitted at short notice.  Any questions that are not considered within the time limit shall receive a written response after the meeting and be the subject of a report to the next meeting.



No petitions, deputations or questions were received.



To receive Report No. 225/2018 from the Director of Public Health.

Additional documents:


Report No.225/2018 was received from the Director of Public Health.


Mr Robert Clayton presented the report, the purpose of which was to inform the Board of the importance of physical activity opportunities to support people’s health and to outline the work currently being undertaken in Rutland in pursuit of this agenda.


During the discussion the following points were noted:


·         At the same time that exercise referrals were rising, activity levels were falling which suggested that perhaps services were not referring the right people to the right provision.

·         There were six falls prevention classes running and generally positive outcomes were being recorded but the programme now needed to move to the next stage and target everyone simultaneously.

·         The number of falls was actually increasing so Public Health needed to find out how the exercise classes sat within the whole prevention of falls model.

·         Feedback from residents who had attended a falls prevention class was that they wanted to have something in place when the course ended, such as a peer support group, so that they could maintain their good work.

·         There was an initiative for GPs to suggest things such as community walks, park runs and garden projects rather than giving out a prescription.

·         The Active Life Survey had measured the amount of people who would cycle and walk not only for leisure but also for getting to work and Rutland figures had been encouraging. Significant inroads into increasing the amount of exercise that people took had been made in places eg. Manchester where they had joined up the available programmes for both active life and active travel.

·         The Head of Culture and Registration would provide a breakdown of the number of GP exercise referrals by practices in Rutland.

·         The Public Health Grant which covered the cost of the referral scheme was in place until 2020 and was being considered as part of the comprehensive spending review.





1.    The Board NOTED the contents of the report regarding the importance of physical activity to support people’s health.


2.    The Board NOTED the attached Rutland Performance Update on the LRS Physical Activity & Sports Strategy 2017-2021.



To receive Report No. 228/2018 from the Director of Public Health.


Report No. 228/2018 was received from the Director of Public Health.


Mr Mike Sandys introduced the report, the purpose of which was to summarise a profile of cardiovascular disease in Rutland and provide context within Rutland and at the STP system level as to the work going on around prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in Rutland.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Although initially it was alarming to note that the level of cardiovascular disease was higher in Rutland than the national average this was primarily because Rutland had a much older population than other areas and could also be due to much more proactive case finding and diagnosis.  In the younger age group, those aged less than 75 years, deaths from cardiovascular disease were significantly lower than the national average.

·         Lifestyle behaviours, particularly obesity in Rutland, were a major risk factor in developing heart disease.

·         There was a real drive across the CCG to look at the five key conditions for cardiovascular disease: hypertension, diabetes, dementia, chronic pulmonary disease and atrial fibrillation.

·         An end-to-end pathway review of cardiovascular disease management and cardiology services was being undertaken jointly by the CCGs, primary and secondary care, and Public Health. Public Health would nominate a representative to sit on the cardiology working party.

·         The report concentrated primarily on adults but members questioned how developments in children’s health could affect adult lifestyles and the reported figures and suggested that all the dots around transition need to be joined up.

·         The impact of the increased availability of defibrillators on reducing deaths by cardiovascular disease, was less than 10%. 65% of the decline was due to changes in lifestyle and 25% was down to the work of GPs. However, the director of Public Health recognised that in general people valued more what had saved their life at the end, rather than the primary prevention work.

·         Councillor Conde asked who was responsible for the access codes for defibrilators in public places in Rutland. Public Health would find out and report back to the Board.

·         The number of health checks offered was less than the national offer but the uptake was good when they were offered.

·         Public Health preferred that health checks were carried out by GPs so that data was recorded and the information captured was of a high standard.

·         The payment structure for GPs to undertake health checks changed a couple of years ago and this may have impacted on the number of health checks offered.




The Board:


1.    NOTED thework being done on developing a joined up prevention system and would welcome further reports on any future developments.


2.    NOTED the work being done to enable an integrated communications system to support the prevention system in Rutland.


3.    ENDORSED the hypertension prevention programme being led by the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Prevention Programme Board as part of the LLR STP.





To receive Report No.229/2018 from the Director of Public Health.

Additional documents:


Report No.229/2018 was received from the Director of Public Health.


Mr Mike Sandys introduced the report the purpose of which was to seek approval by the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) 2018. The attached chapters to the report had been amended in light of comments from the Board and other stakeholders.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Work was taking place on a Military Health Needs Assessment which would be incorporated into the main JSNA in due course. Initially the needs assessment would be done on serving personnel and their dependents with veterans being added later in the year.

·         Healthwatch were conducting a separate survey looking at veterans’ health needs. The information gathered from this would be used in the Military Health Needs Assessment as the work progressed.





1.    The Health and Wellbeing Board Members agreed and APPROVED the publication of the Rutland JSNA 2018 by the end of December 2018.



To receive any other items of urgent business which have been previously notified to the person presiding.


No urgent business had been received.




The next meeting of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board will be on Tuesday, 5 March 2018 at 2.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Catmose.


Proposed Agenda Items:


·         Public Health Annual Report


·         Children and Young People Local Transformation Plan








The next meeting of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board would be held on Tuesday, 5 March 2019 at 2.00pm in the Council Chamber, Catmose.


Proposed Agenda Items:


·         Update on CAMHS and the transition from children’s to adults’ mental health services

·         Report from the Scrutiny Mental Health Task and Finish Group

·         Report on the CYP Local Transformation Plan

·         Director of Public Health Annual Report






The Chairman closed the meeting at 2.50 pm
