Agenda item


To receive Report No. 23/2020 from the Strategic Director for Places.


Report No. 23/2020 was received from the Strategic Director for Places.


Mr G Brown introduced the report, the purpose of which was to update Council on progress with the preparation of the Local Plan and requests that Council approves the Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19 Publication Version) so that it can be published for its statutory 6-week stage, alongside other recommendations for dealing with the submission and examination of the Local Plan.


Mr G Brown moved the recommendations with Mr Hemsley seconding.


Miss Waller noted that The Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Committee resolved to request the Council to change references of climate change to climate crisis.



Miss Waller proposed and introduced an amendment to the original motion. This was seconded. The amendment read as follows:


“To replace recommendation (1) with:


“In order to ensure a land supply for the next six or more years this local plan be approved for Regulation 19 consultation subject to the following:


a) The Plan is for the period 2018-2030.


b) The proposed development of St George’s Barracks is reduced to 350 homes, which is the number that can be built without HIF funding.


c) This Council begins the review of this Local Plan as soon as practicable following the decision of this Council regarding HIF”


Then amend (2) to read:


“To support the Local Plan as amended”




During debate of the amendment the following points were noted:


       i.          Mr G Brown stated that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) required policies to look ahead at a minimum of 15 years. A plan that comes forward with less than 15 years of strategic policies would be very unlikely to be found sound at inspection.

      ii.          The currently developed area at St George’s Barracks had water, sewage and electric facilities and would be sufficient for 350 houses. Adding more houses would require the need to increase the water and electrical supplies.

    iii.          Miss Waller stated that the HIF money would not be needed for the 350 homes proposed on the site.

    iv.          Mr G Brown stated that the 350 homes would not be viable in the current form.

     v.          The MOD would have to agree to it before it came into the Local Plan.

    vi.          If the Local Plan was changed significantly, another sustainability assessment would need to take place.

  vii.          The Monitoring Officer stated in regards to the Plan period proposed that Councillors are required to have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State when deciding on their Plan. The Plan period of a minimum of 15 years from the determination is something Councillors should have regard to during considerations.

 viii.          Mr Baines stated he had talked with the Planning Inspectorate and noted that if the Council wished to make changes to the Local Plan following the Regulation 19 consultation and wished for the changes to be considered as part of the submitted plan, an addendum could be written containing the proposed changes.



The Chairman proposed that the meeting be extended by 15 minutes in accordance with Procedure Rule 58 and this was seconded by Mr Dale.



    ix.          St George’s Barracks was not a brownfield site until the MOD vacated the site.

     x.          There had been no significant change in brownfields in order to update the brownfield register.

    xi.          Ms MacCartney stated that if the Council went with the amendment proposing 350 houses on St George’s, more could be built in the future.

  xii.          Miss Waller stated that the 15 years stated in the NPPF was simply advisory.



Mr Dale requested a recorded vote on the amendment and this was supported by four other Members in accordance with procedure rule 11.





Upon being put to the vote, the AMENDMENT was DEFEATED.


The voting was as follows:



Bool, A Brown, Burrows, Cross, Dale, Jones, MacCartney, Oxley, Powell, Waller, Webb



Ainsley, Baines, Begy, Blanksby, G Brown, Coleman, Fox, Harvey, Hemsley, Lowe, Payne, Razzell, Stephenson, Walters, Wilby, Woodley


The Chairman proposed that the meeting be extended by a second and final 15 minutes in accordance with Procedure Rule 58 and this was seconded by Mrs Stephenson.



Debate returned to the ORIGINAL MOTION



Mr A Brown proposed and introduced an amendment to the original motion.




Mr G Brown proposed that the meeting be adjourned to re-meet once the officers have the sufficient information for Council. This was seconded by Mr Hemsley.





That the Council meeting be ADJOURNED to a later date.


Supporting documents: