Agenda item


To receive Report No.75/2021 from the Director for Adults and Health


The Committee received Report No. 75/2021 from the Strategic Director of Adults and Health. Councillors received information from Mr John Morley who highlighted the most relevant and important points to discuss.  During the discussion, the following points were noted:


·         Mr Morley reported that the figures stated on the report were pre-Covid and that Adult Services had changed considerably during the past 18 months with increased numbers and increased pressures.

·         During Covid, the service had seen a 13% increase in the number of complex cases;  a 39% increase in the number of homeless applications; a 150% increase in referrals to the Admiral Nurse service and a 135% increase in referrals to Occupational Therapists, who for the first time in 3 years, had a waiting list.  40 cases a month were referred to the Mi-care Team whilst the rate of keeping patients out of hospital was maintained at 91% or more.

·         Rachna Vyas thanked John Morley, Emma Jane Perkins, Kim Sorsky and Mat Wise for their assistance and support during the pandemic and confirmed that all services had worked extremely well together during the most difficult year ever.

·         Mr Morley introduced Kim Sorsky, Head of Adult Social Services who reported a significant rise in the number of complex cases that had required assessment.  An increased demand had resulted in an increased number of carers but these had been recruited at an overall reduced cost.  An online housing application system had also been trialled and tested and was now live on the Council’s website.

·         Mr Morley introduced Mat Wise, Hospital and Clinical Integration Lead who reported that the system for discharging patients from hospital had changed during the pandemic.  Previously the patient would be visited on the ward and a discharge assessment completed.  However, during the pandemic the patient would be discharged home (where possible) with the support and assistance of services for 2-3 days so that a detailed assessment could then be completed to determine the most appropriate pathway and this new system had worked very well with the co-operation of Emma Jane’s team.  Moving forward, the Occupational Therapy team would be working with Loughborough University to undertake analysis of the number of falls recorded within Rutland so to better target preventative resources.  It was also planned to increase the therapy service to cover weekends as it moved to a 7-day/week service.



The Chair requested an extension of the meeting

The Committee voted to extend the meeting by 15 minutes

Andy Williams, Rachna Vyas, Laura Norton, Dr Hilary Fox and Fay Bayliss left the meeting at 20:26



·         Mr Morley introduced Emma Jane Perkins, Head of Community Care Services who reported that the day opportunities service that supported adults with learning disabilities, had not been able to deliver all services during lockdown but staff had been re-deployed to support RISE and Mi-care services.  The service, in conjunction with the voluntary sector, had also contacted all patients leaving hospital care to ensure that they were well and safe. The Care Homes Clinical Co-ordinator post, which had been created during the pandemic, organised multi-disciplinary team meets with all partners to ensure that all care home residents were safe and well.  Staff had been checking and training care home staff to ensure the correct and appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as ensuring sufficient resources were available.  The service also maintained the long-term care and enablement services where enablement effectiveness remained over 80% with over 90% of people still at home 91 days after being discharged from hospital, which was well above national figures.

·         Both Cllr Cross and Cllr Waller expressed their thanks and gratitude to the staff of Rutland County Council for all their hard work and support during the pandemic.




a)    That the Committee NOTED the performance information as at the end of quarter four (April 2020 – March 2021)

b)    That John Morley REVIEWED the data/key performance indicators (KPI’s) presented to the Committee in the future.



Emma Jane Perkins, Kim Sorsky and Mat Wise left the meeting at 21:34



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