Agenda item

HR Policies

To receive Report No. 117/2017 from the Director for Resources.


Report No. 117/2017 was received from the Head of Human Resources, Miss Carol Snell. The purpose of the report was to seek approval for updated HR policies with regard to (a) Recruitment (b) Job Evaluation (c) Social Media (d) Code of Conduct and (e) Early Retirement Policy.


During the discussion the following points were noted:


a)     Recruitment

· Miss Snell informed the Committee of the following:


§  There have been no fundamental changes to the ‘policy’.

§  The policy had been reduced from 92 pages to 11 pages – which reflected a streamlined approach and style to the policy and removed the detailed procedural elements.

§  Provision to appoint an individual to a permanent post if the position moved from fixed term to permanent – subject to qualifying conditions.


· Mr Clifton requested clarification of the RCC level of commitment to disability as there was reference in the policy to The Disability Confident Scheme yet there was no mention of the level of commitment to disability. Miss Snell would amend the wording to include this in the policy and circulate to Committee Members for approval.


· Members were concerned that the policy wording regarding appointing fixed term posts to substantive posts needed further clarification on pre conditions. Miss Snell would amend the wording and circulate to Committee Members for approval.




The Committee CONSIDERED and APPROVED the Recruitment Policy subject to amendments.


b)     Job Evaluation Policy

· Miss Snell informed the Committee of the following:

§  The general principle and policy remained unchanged.

§  Analysis and evaluation were carried out by experienced role analysts within HR to enable consistency of assessment against a set of conventions

§  HR quality assured job descriptions and worked with line managers to ensure they were fit for purpose

§  Use of job matching/benchmarking enabled more speedy evaluation

§  Virtual Steering Groups were used

§  Introduced a more focussed appeals process that enabled challenges to be dealt with more efficiently

§  Clarification regarding implications of regrading




The Committee CONSIDERED and APPROVED the Job Evaluation Policy.


c)     Social Media Policy

· Miss Snell informed the Committee of the following amendments to the policy:


§  Further reference was made to potential impact on the Council or its representatives

§  Inclusion of a statement that Managers would periodically remind staff of the policy and ensure the risks of using social media for work related purposes had been fully assessed and managed.

§  Head of HR and Strategic Communications advisor would carry out audits periodically to ensure risk assessments had been carried out in key/vulnerable areas.

§  Further clarity regarding the use of social media in the recruitment process


· Mr Wilby requested clarification that new employees were briefed on social media. Miss Snell confirmed new employees would complete a mandatory data protection e-learning module which incorporated social media and confirmed there was a specific social media e-learning module.


· Members were concerned that the social media e-learning module was not mandatory. Miss Snell agreed to investigate how much of the social media policy was covered in the mandatory e-learning data protection module and assess if the social media e-leaning module would become mandatory.


· Mr Clifton raised concern over the policy wording ‘handing over any relevant password for equipment, accounts and in situations where we need these passwords in order to investigate a suspected breach.’ Miss Snell confirmed that this was not in relation to personal social media accounts or equipment and she would amend the wording and circulate to Committee Members for approval.




The Committee CONSIDERED and APPROVED the Social Media Policy subject to amendments.


d)     Code of Conduct

· Miss Snell informed the Committee of the following:


§  Inclusion of reference to the Driving and Riding for Work policy

§  Policy was very robust and only minor amendments had been made in tightening up wording and references.


· Mr Walters requested the wording regarding holding of sensitive information should be amended to include laptops. Miss Snell would amend the wording and circulate to Committee Members for approval.




The Committee CONSIDERED and APPROVED the Code of Conduct subject to amendments.


e)     Early Retirement Policy

· Miss Snell informed the Committee of the following:


§  The refresh of the policy had been to incorporate the Flexible Retirement Policy.

§  No changes to pension benefit or provision and they remain provided by the Local Government Pension Scheme.


· Members raised concern that the wording surrounding the Flexible Early Retirement terms was not clear and required clarification. Miss Snell would amend the wording and bring the Early Retirement Policy back to the next Committee Meeting for approval.




The Committee CONSIDERED and REJECTED the Early Retirement Policy and AGREED it would come back to the next Employment & Appeal Committee meeting for consideration and approval once changes had been made.




Supporting documents: