Issue - decisions

LLR Shared Care Record Project - Stakeholder Charter


In consultation with Cabinet, Cllr Walters, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Care:


1.    Noted the beneficial development of a Shared Care Record (SCR) between health and adult social care.


2.    Authorised the Director of Adult Services and Health, in discussion with himself as the Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Care, to agree with the Integrated Care System (ICS) partners such changes to the Charter as were necessary to limit any unquantified risk to the Council’s resources.


3.    Approved the Director of Adult Services and Health, in discussion with himself as the Portfolio holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Care, to sign the Charter on behalf of the Council subject to the changes referred to in recommendation 2.


4.    Agreed that a further report on the Shared Health and Care Record be brought back to Cabinet if any decision fell outside of delegated powers, the agreed budget or amounted to a key decision.