Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Report No. 189/2015 from the Director for Places (Development and Economy) was received.


The Portfolio Holder for Places (Development and Economy) and Resources, Mr T King, introduced the report, the purpose of which was to consider the Rutland Local Plan Review Issues and Options document prior to going out to consultation with local community and key stakeholders.


During Consideration the following points were noted:


          i.        Scrutiny meetings had highlighted that work needed to be done around community engagement and officers had  done some work on the wording to ensure that it was in plain and understandable language;

         ii.        Consultation meetings would provide the opportunity for members of the public to have their questions answered and to seek clarification;

        iii.        A meeting with the Planning Advisory Service had highlighted that the Neighbourhood Plan for Oakham may not achieve sufficient allocation of  land for business growth and that a major site, or core document might produce better results;

       iv.        Industrial land was more difficult to secure than land for housing;

        v.        A list has been drawn up of all the consultees.  This list included Cambridgeshire County Council and Hanson Cement as it was felt that some further clarification should be sought into whether Thistleton Quarry might be considered a potential source of aggregate for the A14 development;

       vi.        The documents and community engagement sessions would be well publicised and the local community were being urged to come forward with their comments and ideas; and

      vii.        In areas where Neighbourhood Plans were being, or had been developed, consultation and community involvement would have taken place.  The community in these areas may find that knowledge of the Neighbourhood Plan Process would assist with responding to the Local Plan Review.




1)    Cabinet APPROVED the Rutland Local Plan Review Issues and Options consultation document set out in Appendix A to this report; and

2)    Cabinet AUTHORISED publication of the document for consultation with the local community and key stakeholders.


Reason(s) for the Decision(s)

The Issues and Options document is the first public consultation stage in preparing a review of the existing Rutland Local Plan.  It sets out the key issues and options to be considered in order to support the development growth planned as part of the LPR for the period up to 2036. Subject to approval by Cabinet, it is intended that the document will be published for consultation with the local community and key stakeholders from mid-November 2015 to mid-January 2016. Following public consultation, responses to the document will be assessed and a report brought back to the Members for consideration in drawing up a “Preferred Options” version of the document. The Council will need to consider all ‘reasonable alternatives’ for development before preparing a Preferred Options document. This will set out the Council’s strategy for development and the proposed planning policies of the Local Plan.  It is anticipated that consultation on the Preferred Options will take place in August/September 2016.


Report author: Mr David Troy

Publication date: 22/10/2015

Date of decision: 20/10/2015

Decided at meeting: 20/10/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 28/10/2015

Accompanying Documents: