Issue - decisions

Approval of Section 75 Agreement for Care Home Beds




Report No. 53/2018 was received from the Director for People.


Mr. A Walters, Portfolio Holder for Safeguarding Adults, Public Health, Health Commissioning, Community Safety and Road Safety introduced the report the purpose of which was to set out the process currently used to commission packages of care on discharge from hospital and to request approval to formalise that process and the related funding by using a variation to the current Section 75 Agreement to delegate commissioning of those care packages.


During discussion the following points were raised:


i.      Once Cabinet approval had been obtained the agreement would go through the East Leicestershire & Rutland clinical Commissioning Groups governance process; and

ii.     It was commendable that in spite of being one of the top performing authorities in the country in reducing delays in hospital discharges, Officers were still looking at options for further improvement.




1.    Cabinet APPROVED the variation to the Section 75 Agreement between Rutland County Council and East Leicestershire & Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group (ELRCCG) to delegate the commissioning of hospital discharge packages of care for individuals from ELRCCG to Rutland County Council.


Reasons for decision

1.    By delegating the commissioning of hospital discharge packages of care, the current process will be formalized and will remove the requirement for individual permission to commission each care package. This will make the process more efficient, and reduce the risk associated with recharging the costs after the fact.


2.    A section 75 Agreement is already in place to manage delegated commissioning arrangements and the related funding streams between the Council and ELRCCG and can be varied to include this.