Council and councillors

Agenda item

Poverty scrutiny project

To receive Report No 195/2016 from the Director for Resources


Report No. 153/2016 was received from the Director for Resources. The Scrutiny Commission had agreed to undertake a review of Poverty in Rutland. The project objectives were:


·           To develop and agree definition(s) of Poverty in Rutland;

·           To develop a Council policy in the form of a White Paper to be approved by Full Council that will outline for Rutland how the Council will act to positively impact on poverty within the County.


The following areas were identified for the Resources Scrutiny Panel to take forward:


·           Review of the Crisis Fund

·           Financial Awareness


The Director explained that Debt was added after a separate meeting with the Chair.


The Director for Resources introduced guest speakers Mr J Green representing Clockwise Credit Union - Leicestershire and Rutland Branch and Mrs Sheila Fletcher representing Citizens Advice Bureau - Rutland.



8.30pm Director for Resources left the meeting



During the discussion the following points were noted:


a)     Some of the awards for the Crisis Fund were referrals rather than financial awards.  They were classed in the report as financial awards but may have had no cost to the authority. Members asked for the actual amount of funding awarded to be included in future reports.

b)     The Panel expressed concern that the Council does not currently routinely review the system to discover what impact (if any) the crisis funds awarded had on the claimants.  This was debated at length.  Officers explained that if they had repeat claimants they were aware of issues.  However, if claimants do not present themselves again, the Council did not contact claimants to see how they are getting on.  It was noted that there was a cost to this.

c)     It would be helpful if the list of identified organisations who could also offer assistance was up-to-date.  People could then be signposted to these associations when they come to us for Crisis Fund awards.  The Council does have a list but there may be other organisations who can also support.

d)     The Panel requested a more in-depth breakdown of the profile of people who come to RCC for crisis fund awards.  The Panel were informed that, although this was not an in-house system, officers would see what information could be made available.



Councillor Stephenson left the meeting at 9.10pm.

Mr J Green – Clockwise left the meeting at 9.10pm.



e)     It was confirmed that the Crisis Fund budget would not be reduced in the next budget – it would remain at £25k

f)      CAB explained that individuals were often reluctant to seek advice and when they did it was often too late.  Council officers added that whilst they encouraged individuals to take advice, there was no guarantee that this advice was sought.  Officers were considering options as to how we may offer support conditional of advice being sought.

g)     Members agreed that the Council should try to persuade schools to teach financial life skills to children and that this issue should be taken forward

h)     The Panel questioned whether the RCC debt recovery process was making the poverty situations worse.  It was confirmed that the debt recovery process was laid down in legislation but that once a liability order had been granted RCC had more freedom over the recovery process. 



During the consideration of Item 10 and in accordance with Procedure Rule 119, the Scrutiny Panel AGREED to extend the finish time for the meeting to 10.15pm.




1.     The Panel DISCUSSED the contents of the Report

2.     A discussion should be held with the Director for People regarding the future involvement of schools in teaching financial life skills to young people.

3.     Copies of RCC’s debt recovery letters should be brought along for discussion at the next meeting.


Supporting documents: