Outside bodies
There are a number of organisations which are independent from the Council, but have an impact on its service areas.
In order that the council can maintain effective partnerships with a number of these organisations, representatives of the council, usually elected councillors, sit on the various committees and forums that are responsible for them.
To find the contact details for the council’s representative on a particular outside body please follow the relevant link.
- Active Rutland
- Anglian (Northern) Regional Flood and Costal Committee
- Carlton Hayes Mental Health Charity
- Combined Fire Authority
- Constitution Working Group
- Corporate Parenting Board
- Discover Rutland
- East Midlands Councils
- East Midlands Reserve Forces and Cadets Association (Leics and Rutland Committee)
- Emma Molesworth Charity Advisory Committee
- Friends of Rutland County Museum & Oakham Castle
- Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Heidelburg Materials (Ketton) Liaison Committee (formerly Hanson Cement)
- Joint Safety Committee
- Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Integrated Health & Wellbeing Partnership
- Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel
- Leicestershire & Rutland Safer Communities Strategy Board
- Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board
- Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Children Partnership
- Leicestershire Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board
- Local Government Association (Most Sparsely Populated Councils Group)
- Local Government Association - National (and General Assembly)
- Parish Council Forum
- Patrol (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee
- Rural Community Council (Leicestershire and Rutland)
- Rutland Children and Young People's Partnership
- Rutland Countryside Access Forum
- Rutland Fairtrade Forum
- Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board
- Rutland Water Partnership
- Safer Rutland Partnership
- Schools Forum
- Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE)
- Transport for the East Midlands Board
- University of Leicester Court