Council and councillors

Agenda item




Report No. 132/2017




Report No. 132/2017 from the Director for Places (Development and Economy) was received.


The Portfolio Holder, Mr Hemsley, introduced the report, the purpose of

which was to provide Cabinet with the draft Local Plan which was recommended for Cabinet approval for the purposes of conducting initial non-statutory public consultation.


During discussion the following points were raised:

i.             Mr Foster asked that Mr P Phillipson’s details were removed from the report as he no longer works for the Council and Mrs Briggs – Chief Executive would need to be added.

ii.            Mr Ranson confirmed that the General Consultation Bodies that RCC consider appropriate to consult with are set out in the Statement of Community Involvement. This had previously been approved by Cabinet.

iii.           The consultation would take place over 8 weeks and in the following ways:

·                     8 Roadshows

·                    2 briefing had taken place at the Parish Council Forum and an additional 2 hour briefing was taking place on 3 August 2017 for Parish Councillors.

·                    Hardcopy information available at Libraries and at the Council offices.

·                     RCC Website

iv.           Mr Ranson informed Cabinet that due to the consultation taking place over the summer holiday period the Planning Policy team would take late comments. Mr Mathias asked for a date to be applied to the time period that late comments would be accepted.

v.            The allocation of land for housing would be reviewed annually to ensure the Council was meeting the need within the County.

vi.           An Employment Land Study had been completed and was kept under review. 29 hectares had been allocated which included a buffer on 9 hectares.

vii.         Mr Ranson informed cabinet that with strong land allocations in place, if future planning applications are not policy compliant this would give a good basis to refuse permission.

viii.        Mr Ranson confirmed that additional clarification had been added to the document regarding windfall sites, there was a reduced in the requirement from windfall sites than in the previous Local Plan.

ix.           The number of houses on each site was calculated using a standard methodology net density calculation; this was subject to change depending on the design of planning applications submitted.

x.            Mr Ranson confirmed that RAMSAR sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the RAMSAR Convention, named after the city in Iran where this convention was first made in the 1970s. Rutland Water is a designated RAMSAR site which means under Government policy that a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of plans and planning applications is required to consider the impacts of plans and proposed development on this site. This would be added into the Glossary within the report.

xi.           Concern was raised with regard to housing land allocated within Ryhall. It was suggested that a meeting with the Parish Council would be of benefit. Mr Ranson informed Cabinet that the draft document looks at the principle of land use. A meeting could be arranged in the future when a developer was in place.

xii.         Mr Ranson encouraged all members of the Cabinet to respond to the consultation to strengthen the Local Plan.

xiii.        Mr Ranson encouraged Ryhall to continue the development of their Neighbourhood Plan so to give the community input in the level of detail.

xiv.        Mr Mathias informed Mr Ranson how pleased he was that the Supplementary Planning Guidance would be reviewed.

xv.         Mr Ranson agreed that figures on page 78, paragraph 5.75, regarding Gypsies and Travellers would have been clearer if it stated the current numbers, the new requirement and the percentage increase.

xvi.        Mr Ranson confirmed that larger maps would be available throughout the consultation. The maps had been provided at the smaller size to accommodate the report.

xvii.       Concern was raised regarding the term ‘mixed site’ used for Oakham and Greetham. Mr Ranson agreed that during the consultation period further details would be provided regarding this term.

xviii.     Mr Mathias commented that this was a crucial decision regarding the future of Rutland.

xix.        Concern was raised that allowances cannot be built into the draft document for future changes that may occur within the County; for example:

·        Closure of St Georges Barracks

·        Potential Changes to the Rail line through Oakham

·        Potential extension to Oakham Bypass

Mr Ranson confirmed that no aspirational proposals could be incorporated into the Local Plan.

xx.         An Infrastructure Development Plan would be completed into the document. This would reflect the range of services and facilities that had to be taken into consideration.

xxi.        Mr Ranson informed Cabinet that the second sentence on page 6, paragraph 2.4, (The Consultative Draft Local Plan has no “weight” at present in decision making on planning applications) had been removed due to the Consultative Draft Local Plan having very minimal weight at present in decision making on planning applications and not no weight.



1.    Cabinet APPROVED for consultation purposes the Consultative Draft Local Plan and its accompanying appendices, appended to Report No. 132/2017.


2.    Cabinet APPROVED the updated Local Development Scheme appended to Report No. 132/2017.


Reason for Decision

1.    This report set out a draft Local Plan which was recommended for Cabinet approval for the purposes of conducting initial non-statutory public consultation. The draft Local Plan represented an important stage in the overall preparation of a new Local Plan for the County and, whilst non-statutory, the consultation would help to shape the form and content of the new Local Plan, which would eventually be adopted by the Council.




All members of the public and Mr Ranson left the meeting – 10.15am


Mr Sandys and Ms Mavji joined the meeting 10.20am






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