Council and councillors

Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Cabinet RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)).


Report No.212/2018 was received from the Chief Executive.


Mr Oliver Hemsley, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Rutland One Public Estate & Growth, Tourism & Economic Development, Communications and Resources (excluding Finance) introduced the report, the purpose of which was to update Cabinet on the opportunity to bid for Government (Department of Culture, Media and Sport) Local Full Fibre Networks Challenge Fund (Wave 3) and make a recommendation to Cabinet to proceed with a full bid.  The report also advised the estimated revenue costs to proceed with a full bid within the existing Digital Rutland revenue budget and requested approval for proposed match funding within the existing Digital Rutland capital budget as set out in Exempt Appendix A.


During discussion the following points were raised:


i.      The Challenge Fund Programme had been launched by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and was managed by Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) and Rutland was well placed to meet the rural priority of the fund in Wave 3;

ii.    This would be a good opportunity for investment in the growth and prosperity of Rutland;

iii.   Rutland was already in a very strong position in relation to a bid for this funding with Superfast Broadband coverage in the County expected to be at around 97% by Spring 2019;

iv.   There had been some communication with stakeholders to gain their commitment to the project, but responses from some Schools had not been forthcoming so far.  Mr Wilby, Portfolio for Lifelong Learning, requested that the information was provided in a clear and concise way, accepting that it was a complicated subject area, so that the Education Team could work with those schools in order to ascertain their commitment;

v.    The list of public sector assets to be upgraded had been based on current broadband capabilities, how far the asset was from the exchange and on the further commercial opportunities that could be stimulated as a result of the upgrades. Those that were less than 200m away from the exchange would not be eligible for funding but would still have the option of approaching a commercial provider and the cost would be minimal due to the proximity to the asset.   Where there were properties within villages which were not included in the list, but that were designated as part of resilience plans, there could be a business case for upgrading through property services and Parish Councils might be approached to make a contribution;

vi.   It was anticipated that the approved list would be subject to change and there would be a reserve list for upgrades should there be residual funding to support these;

vii.  The Capital match funding requested is an existing ring-fenced fund left over from previous projects.  The residual fund is reserved for digital improvements; and

viii.The Council would seek to involve multiple providers in the bidding process for the supply of the new full fibre upgrades.



After further debate on this item the Cabinet APPROVED that the meeting returned to public session.






1)    NOTED the opportunity to bid for Central Government (DCMS) Local Full Fibre Networks Funding.

2)    APPROVED commitment of existing revenue budget to further support bid development as outlined.

3)    APPROVED Council Capital match funding to the bid as outlined in Exempt Appendix A.

4)    DELEGATED to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder the authority to sign a Grant Agreement with DCMS subject to a successful bid outcome, project assurance and value for money assessments.

5)    NOTED that further reports will be brought to Cabinet for approval.


Reasons for the decisions

The recommendations if approved would provide full fibre connectivity to a significant number of public sector sites and extend full fibre coverage in the County particularly in our more rural areas.

To support the delivery of the:

·         Council’s strategic aims and objectives

·         Council’s Corporate Plan

·         Rutland’s Economic Growth Strategy

·         Draft Digital Rutland Strategy 2018-22 (Report due for Cabinet Approval)

To support inclusive economic and well-being objectives.

To support more effective delivery of public services.

To stimulate further commercial investment to realise increased resilience and opportunities for our business and communities.

To support the aims and objectives of the Local Full Fibre Network Challenge Programme.


Mrs L Kinsley left the meeting and did not return.

Mr D Pye joined the meeting.


Publication date: 20/11/2018

Date of decision: 20/11/2018

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 30/11/2018

Accompanying Documents: