Issue - meetings

Road Safety Strategy

Meeting: 21/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 473)




Additional documents:


Cabinet approved:

  1. The ‘Road Safety Guide’ for partner consultation.

  2. The delegation of authority to the Strategic Director for Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture & Leisure, Highways & Transportation and Road Safety to:

-       Approve any post consultation amendments to the Road Safety Guide; and

-       Approve the final version of the Road Safety Guide.

Cabinet noted:

3.    That a technical appendix to the ‘Road Safety Guide’ will be produced at a later date.

That the traffic calming policy has been incorporated into the public facing ‘Road Safety Guide’.


Report No.2/2020 was received from the Strategic Director for Places.

Councillor Stephenson, Portfolio Holder for Culture & Leisure, Highways & Transportation and Road Safety introduced the report the purpose of which was to seek approval of the ‘Road Safety Guide’ and delegation of authority to the Strategic Director for Places, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture, to approve any post consultation amendments to the Road Safety Guide and approve the final version.


During discussion the following points were noted:

·         The Cabinet were asked to note that that the document was a guide and not a strategy.

·         Councillor Stephenson hoped that the guide would have a wide audience as road safety was of concern to all in the community.

·         In reviewing speed limits the guide stated that police data would be used to identify the number of collisions. This would now be amended to also take account of local communities’ views as there was a perceived mismatch between what the police recorded and what local communities referred to anecdotally.

·         It would be possible for parishes to fund their own speed calming measures should RCC deem it unnecessary.

·         Once approved the document would be professionally produced and released for wider circulation in the Spring.

·         Councillor Brown was pleased that the Council now had this important document for parish councils and villages to guide them on the opportunities they had for speed management.

·         Councillor Stephenson, the Portfolio Holder, thanked Dr Johnson and officers for the job they had done in producing the guide whilst observing statutory guidelines.





1.    The ‘Road Safety Guide’ for partner consultation.

2.    The delegation of authority to the Strategic Director for Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture & Leisure, Highways & Transportation and Road Safety to:


-       Approve any post consultation amendments to the Road Safety Guide; and

-       Approve the final version of the Road Safety Guide.

Cabinet NOTED:

1.    That a technical appendix to the ‘Road Safety Guide’ would be produced at a later date.

2.    That the traffic calming policy had been incorporated into the public facing ‘Road Safety Guide’.