Issue - meetings

Advice on Neighbourhood Plan Indicative Housing Figures

Meeting: 16/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 9)


To receive Report No. 157/2021 from the Portfolio Holder for Planning.

Additional documents:


In consultation with Cabinet, Councillor I Razzell, Portfolio Holder for Planning:


Approved the methodology for providing indicative housing requirement figures for Neighborhood Plans where they are intending to make allocations for housing development, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.



Report No. 157/2021 was introduced by Councillor I Razzell, Portfolio Holder for Planning. The purpose of the report was to establish a methodology for providing indicative housing requirement figures for Neighbourhood Plans where these are intending to make allocations for housing development., The County Council was required to provide indicative housing requirements within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) if this is requested by a Neighbourhood Plan Body. Councillor Razzell highlighted the work that had been undertaken by the Officers.


During discussions the following points were noted:


  • Councillor Razzell stated that there was constant dialogue and regular engagement from Officers with the Neighbourhood Plan Leads and Parish Councils regarding Neighbourhood Plans.
  • Councillor Payne asked if the allocation of the number of dwellings for larger villages was for larger villages with Neighbourhood Plans and whether this would apply if there was not a Neighbourhood Plan in place. Penny Sharp, Strategic Director for Places confirmed that the two communities in question were currently reviewing their Neighbourhood Plans and were seeking to make allocations. Further clarification would be provided outside of the meeting.




In consultation with Cabinet, Councillor I Razzell, Portfolio Holder for Planning:


APPROVED the methodology for providing indicative housing requirement figures for Neighbourhood Plans where they are intending to make allocations for housing development, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.