Council and councillors

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 16)


To receive a Motion of Notice from Councillors L Stephenson, S Harvey, R Powell and K Payne as per procedure rule 131, to revisit Cabinet’s decision of 12th January 2023.


Due to the renewed interest from leisure operators arising from our decision taken on 12th January, this constitutes a material reason to revisit this decision as the context has altered.  We therefore wish to give notice of motion, as per procedural rule 131, to revisit Cabinet’s decision of 12th January; in order to reconsider the alternative decision recommendation option presented by officers. This was option 1. b) the extension of the Stevenage Leisure Limited contract for the operation of the Catmose Sports Centre for up to 24 months, to 31st March 2025, to enable the development and implementation of a new model for future provision.  In particular Cabinet wish to consider conducting a new tender exercise under the same conditions of nil cost to the council. 





That Cabinet agreed to rescind its decision of 12th January 2023 and:


1)      APPROVED the extension of the Stevenage Leisure Limited contract for the operation of the Catmose Sports Centre for up to 24 months, to 31st March 2025, to enable the development and implementation of a new model for future provision and in particular to conduct a new tender exercise under which the Council could invite and/or not discount alternative bides that may come with some financial risk and/or contribution to allow such bids to be evaluated.


2)      DELEGATED authority to the Strategic Director for Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to agree terms for an extension to the contract with Stevenage Leisure Limited based on an open book approach and underwriting financial risk; and to agree a position on dilapidations.


3)      DELEGATED authority to the Strategic Director for Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to explore business continuity arrangements for the duration of the contract extension.


4)      APPROVED the use of the existing £300k provision set aside to exit the facility or fund the extension of the contract to also cover any costs associated with procurement and negotiations


The Leader proposed to move item 16a to the first item on the agenda due to the interest of the public who had attended the meeting in person. This was seconded and upon being put to the vote the motion was unanimously agreed.


A Notice of Motion had been received from Councillors L Stephenson, S Harvey, R Powell and K Payne under Procedure Rule 131, as set out in the agenda supplement.


Councillor Harvey explained to Members that the Council had been approached by a number of contractors who expressed interest in running Catmose Sports Centre at zero cost to the Council. It was agreed that the Council was happy for this opportunity to progress. Councillor S Harvey proposed the following amendments:


a)    That the procurement process be enabled to invite or not discount alternative bids that may come with some financial risk/contribution, so that these could be evaluated.


b)    That the Strategic Director for Places with the Portfolio Holder was delegated to agree terms for the extension based on open book approach and underwriting financial risk and to agree a position on dilapidations.


c)    That the Strategic Director for Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder was delegated authority to explore business continuity arrangements for the duration of the contract extension.


d)    That the existing £300k provision set aside to exit the facility or fund extension to also cover any associated costs with procurement and negotiations.


The amendment was seconded and upon being put to the vote, with 3 votes for and 2 against, the motion was carried.


The substantive motion, as amended, was then put to the vote, with 3 votes for and 2 against, the substantive motion was carried.




That Cabinet agreed to rescind its decision of 12th January 2023 and:


a)    APPROVED the extension of the Stevenage Leisure Limited contract for the operation of the Catmose Sports Centre for up to 24 months, to 31st March 2025, to enable the development and implementation of a new model for future provision and in particular to conduct a new tender exercise under which the Council could invite and/or not discount alternative bides that may come with some financial risk and/or contribution to allow such bids to be evaluated.


b)    DELEGATED authority to the Strategic Director for Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to agree terms for an extension to the contract with Stevenage Leisure Limited based on an open book approach and underwriting financial risk; and to agree a position on dilapidations.


c)    DELEGATED authority to the Strategic Director for Places in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to explore business continuity arrangements for the duration of the contract extension.


d)    APPROVED the use of the existing £300k provision set aside to exit the facility or fund the extension of the contract to also cover any costs associated with procurement and negotiations.