Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/06/2017 - Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee (Item 85)


To receive Report No. 111/2017 from the Director for Resources


(Report previously circulated under separate cover)

Additional documents:


Report No. 111/2017 from the Director for Resources was received.


During discussion the following points were noted:


i)                 ASC Support & Review – Daycare: In response to questions regarding the budget monitoring survey regarding daycare charges  and the undertaking of customer research to assess need and provision; the impact of the Admiral Nurse post vacancy; the increase in Quarter 2 against decrease in Quarter 3 and Quarter 4; and the significant increase in expenditure on domiciliary care from Quarter 1 to Quarter 4 and had this been allowed for in the budget if it was likely to continue the Deputy Director for People, Mr Andrews agreed to provide a full written response which should have been previously circulated.

ii)               Mr Andrews informed Members that RCC was in the process of looking at the whole range of daycare provided at The Brambles in order to add value to a person’s needs and development.

iii)              Admiral Nurse – Mr Andrews informed Members that there had not been any negative comments relating to being without an Admiral Nurse.  The Council had originally been looking to set this post up with the Leicestershire Mental Health Team, now working in partnership.  RCC was now working in partnership with Dementia UK with the post to be re-advertised.

iv)             Service user numbers were normally relatively static however an increase in respite numbers could affect the average.

v)               Adult Social Care Contingency Fund: Clarification was sought for the £100k reduction.  Mr Andrews agreed to seek clarification and circulate the response to Members outside of this meeting.




1.   The Deputy Director for People, Mr Andrews, would circulate a full

    written response to the questions referred to under discussion point i).


2.   The Deputy Director for People, Mr Andrews, would seek clarification

on the £100k reduction to the Adult Social Care Contingency Fund and circulate the response to Members.


Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 73)


To receive Report No. 111/2017 from the Director for Resources.

(Report circulated under separate cover)

Additional documents:


Report No. 111/2017 was received from the Director for Resources.


During discussion the following points were noted:


i)     Miss Waller hoped that the underspend in the Capital Allocation Project Board for North Luffenham School would be appropriately allocated as soon as possible;

ii)    Miss Waller requested information regarding the underspend in School Governor Training and highlighted how important this training was to the success of schools. Mrs Curtis confirmed that there had been a delay in getting this training booked, but that a series of training sessions had been arranged since the end of the financial year.  There was also work with Rushey Mead Academy, which had received accreditation in Governor Training, to deliver further training in September on Safeguarding and Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms.  Information on these training sessions would be circulated through Chairs and Clerks;

iii)   Mr Callaghan highlighted the importance for Governors in training to understand and read figures and statistics.  Mrs Curtis confirmed this training had been arranged for the Autumn; and

iv)   Miss Waller requested clarification regarding the arrangements for the funding for the Community Centre at North Luffenham and whether this could now be reviewed as the situation was not satisfactory and it had been the subject of much discussion but no solution had yet been found.  It was agreed that this was a very specific area and would require further discussion outside of the meeting.




That the Panel NOTED the report.



Mrs D Greaves left the meeting and did not return.


Meeting: 15/06/2017 - Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 51)


To receive Report No. 111/2017 from the Director for Resources.

(Report circulated under separate cover)

·         The above report is due to be presented at Cabinet on 20 June 2017.

  • Scrutiny has requested this report so that it can review and comment on proposals before the Cabinet meeting so as to inform the decision-making process.
  • Scrutiny is asked to consider the report and provide feedback to the Portfolio Holder and Director.


Additional documents:


Report No. 111/2017 was received from the Director for Resources.


During discussion the following points were noted:


       i.       Mr Della Rocca was asked about the carry forward of funds re Agresso, He commented there was more work to be done on Agresso such as sorting invoices electronically, which would reduce the amount of time taken in processing and as a result save staffing costs.

      ii.       It was noted that there had been a reduction in grass cutting, with Oakham and Uppingham now cut the same number of times as the villages.  The Council offered  Oakham Town Council and Uppingham Town Council the opportunity to fund additional cuts or to take over the responsibility for grass cutting.

    iii.       Mr Brown acknowledged that this year’s weed spraying had only just started and the grounds around the Rutland Council building were one of the areas that required attention.

    iv.       Miss Waller asked what the community-led housing was that was listed on page 15. Mr Della Rocca stated he would provide an answer in writing outside of the meeting.

      v.       Mr Bird noted that there was an over spend on waste management. Mr Walters reported that the overspend was mainly due to the increasing cost of disposing of recyclable materials.