Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 19th December, 2017 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP. View directions

Contact: Natasha Taylor  01572 720991

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.




There were no announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service.




In accordance with the Regulations, Members are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests in respect of items on this Agenda and/or indicate if Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


No declarations of interest were received.




To confirm the Record of Decisions made at the meeting of the Cabinet held on 21 November 2017.


The Record of Decisions made by Cabinet on 21 November 2017, copies of which had been previously circulated were confirmed by Cabinet.



To receive items raised by members of scrutiny which have been submitted to the Leader (copied to Chief Executive and Democratic Services Officer) by 4.30 pm on Friday 15 December 2017.


The Chairman had not been formally notified of any items raised by Scrutiny.  Items on the agenda had been discussed at Scrutiny Panels and feedback from those meetings would be discussed at the relevant item on the agenda.


FEES AND CHARGES 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Report No. 213/2017



Additional documents:




Report No. 213/2017 from the Director for Resources was received.


Mr S Della Rocca, Assistant Director – Finance, introduced the report, the purpose of which was to set out the proposals for fees and charges for services provided by the Council, for the financial year 2018/19.


During his introduction, Mr Della Rocca noted that discussion at Scrutiny Panel had focused on the rate of inflation applied to charges where the Council has ultimate discretion.  Inflation was currently at 3.1%, but a rate of 2% had been applied in the report.  It was noted that a move towards a 3.1% uplift would generate up to £10,000 of additional income assuming that demand remained at current levels. For discretionary fees and charges many factors are considered (staffing costs, likely impact on demand, competition and policy aims) and the inflation rate may not be the guiding principle. In the future it might be more appropriate to allow Managers more discretion to decide on any increase in charges in their areas, in the light of any relevant factors and the authority’s priority to take a more commercial approach to maximise income in order to maintain and improve the delivery of services.


During discussion the following points were raised:


i.      The level of charge applied to residents parking permits had been discussed at Scrutiny Panels and also as part of budget discussions in previous years.  It was expected that this fee would be reviewed before next year;

ii.    Where Managers would be responsible for setting fees in the coming years, there should be a clear rationale for proposals to justify the level at which fees had been set if questioned;

iii.   There was some concern that the opportunity to benefit from a higher increase was being missed by keeping the rate at 2% this year but the Leader proposed no change to current proposals;

iv.   A delegation to allow Officers to increase fees throughout the year would mean that Officers did not have to wait for the annual report;

v.    In future years it would be more beneficial to look at individual costs rather than applying a blanket increase;

vi.   Officers should ensure that they discuss with Portfolio Holders the policy aims associated with fees and charges as in some cases generating income may not be the key priority.






1.            To APPROVE the level of fees and charges for 2018/19 as set out in Appendices 1-4, and

2.            To APPROVE that the fees for local elections and referendum continue to be set in line with other Local Authorities from Leicestershire. 

Reasons for decision

1.  The annual review of fees and charges is an integral part of the budget and council tax setting process and is also to ensure the Council is compliant with legislative guidance.  It is therefore recommended that Cabinet approve the proposals set out in the document. 


Mr A Walters left the meeting

Ms R Wilshire joined the meeting



LOCAL OFFER TO CARE LEAVERS 2017-2020 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Report No. 199/2017

Additional documents:


Report No. 199/2017 from the Director for People was received.


The Portfolio Holder, Mr Foster, introduced the report, the purpose of which was to comply with the duty which arises from the new Children and Social Worker Act 2017 to publish a Local Offer for Care Leavers providing information about services which the local authority offers that may assist Care Leavers in, or in preparing for, adulthood and independent living. This includes services relating to health and wellbeing; relationships; education and training; employment; accommodation and participation in society. The policy was intended to give an overview of Rutland’s offer to Care Leavers.  Mr Foster noted that the Rutland County Council offer to care leavers was one of the areas which a recent Ofsted Inspection had identified as being “Good”.


During discussion the following points were raised:


i.      Much of the document was based on the service that was already being offered to Care Leavers.  There was already a good service in place which provided Care Leavers with support, advocacy and mentoring to ensure that the transition from being looked after was managed from an early stage to ensure positive outcomes and support was provided up to the age of 25; and

ii.    Work around providing information and support to Members in their role as Corporate Parents was continuing.




Cabinet APPROVED the Care Leavers Local Offer 2017-2020 (Appendix A to Report 199/2017).


Reason for decision


As a council we want to make sure our Care Leavers can access a range of services to meet their needs including financial support, access to health, education training and employment, personal advisers, effective pathway planning, appropriate housing including supported accommodation if this is assessed as being a need and mental health and counselling services as required.


With our local offer alongside our promise (Pledges) to Care Leavers we are confident that as a council, and in partnership with our partners and our Care Leavers and those young people looked after, we will enhance our service further and ensure all our Care Leavers have the best start possible into adulthood.



Mr A Walters Returned to the meeting

Mr A Edwards joined the meeting

Mr J Frieland joined the meeting

Ms R Wilshire left the meeting and did not return




Cabinet is recommended to determine whether the public and press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, and in accordance with the Access to Information provisions of Procedure Rule 239, as the following item of business is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).




That the public and press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).





Report No. 170/2017

Additional documents:




Report No. 170/2017 from the Director for Places was received.


Mr Frieland, Economic Development and Tourism Manager, introduced the report the purpose of which was for Cabinet to consider and approve the long-term development strategy for the Oakham Enterprise Park (OEP) site.  It also presents for approval a business case for the investment of £2.2m to develop the central area of the site at OEP to include road infrastructure works. This will facilitate optimisation of the site in accordance with relevant sections of the Constitution.  In certain circumstances it is necessary for the Council to act quickly to take progress opportunities as they arise, namely to accommodate additional business tenants for the Council thus maintaining a revenue stream and ensuring an appropriate rate of return on its investment.



After debate on this item the Cabinet APPROVED that the meeting returned to public session.







1.    ENDORSED the proposals and RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that it approves £1.77m capital funding to facilitate the infrastructure works & construction of new buildings under development Phase 2a.

2.    APPROVED £420,000 capital funding to facilitate construction of the new access road and improvement of the existing road infrastructure.

3.    APPROVED adoption of the draft development strategy for the OEP site and delegates management of approved capital schemes to the Director for Places Development and Economy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth, Trading Services & Resources and the Oakham Enterprise Project Board.

4.    DELEGATED authority to the Director for Places Development and Economy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth, Trading Services & Resources and the Oakham Enterprise Project Board to negotiate and enter into necessary legal agreements for the build of industrial units on the site following a procurement process and for the subsequent lease of the units.

5.    AUTHORISED the Director for Places Development and Economy, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth, Trading Standards & Resources and the OEP Project Board to determine a procurement route, award criteria and if a suitable supplier or suppliers are identified move forward and award contracts for the works detailed in this report.






Reason for the decision


The growing popularity of Oakham Enterprise Park with businesses and the local community in general is a testament to its success.  Phase 1 has generally been at capacity occupancy for around 2 years and there is a growing waiting list for industrial units and small offices on the site along with firm interest in the proposed new units.


The development of the central site area along with the new and improved roads is fundamental in unlocking growth of the wider site in addition to being able to attract larger businesses.  The projected financial return of 4.03% even taking into account the construction costs for the new road is an attractive proposition and subsequent buildings, with the bulk of the ground preparation and new roadway in place are likely to improve on this figure.


Engagement with larger businesses seeking to relocate to Rutland in recent years has  ...  view the full minutes text for item 476.



To receive items of urgent business which have previously been notified to the person presiding.


No items of urgent business had previously been notified to the Chairman.