Agenda item


Report No: 143/2020


The Chairman explained that the appendix to the report was exempt but noted that as a Council there was a need to be as open and transparent as possible and urged Councillors to have as much of the debate in public which included a discussion on the proposed charge. He stated that he was hopeful that Council could discuss the proposed recommendations within the report without making specific reference to the information in the appendix.


It was noted that as the contract covered two Cabinet Member portfolio’s, the report would be proposed by Councillor G Brown and seconded by Councillor Stephenson, both of whom had responsibility for.


Councillor G Brown explained he had worked with the Head of Service on this matter and had some historical knowledge of the details. In May 2020 a number of contracts were extended under emergency powers following Covid. The process for getting the contract in place and officer were not fully aware of the financial impacts of the extensions. In 2018 Council took the decision to charge for green waste and it was set at thirty- five pounds per bin to cover the cost of collection. For three years there has been no increase in charges and now the costs have been more accurately assessed it has been considered necessary to increase charges.


It was noted that the responses to the consultation on Waste strategy had been very low in part due to the pandemic and therefore it has been proposed that an additional fifty thousand pounds be given for residual waste to ensure that waste was reduced and recycled where and when possible. Extensive negotiations had taken place with the current contractor and it was noted that the Council would only be recovering costs and not making profit and remained very much below costs compared to local neighbouring Councils.


Members congratulated the work of officers for their hard work on the report and for the extensive amount of information given. It was considered a necessity for the Council to cover their costs. Some concern was raised that contracts were not being renewed and updated in a timely and effective manner. However, on the contrary some Members were pleased that this was being considered prior to the Environment Bill being passed which had the potential to cause the Council to be tied into an extension. Cabinet was asked that when the Waste Strategy Review was being undertaken that members of the public be consulted to feed into the process.


In response to questions asked, Councillor Stephenson explained that Civil Amenity sites were part of waste management and would be part of the review. The revenue for green bin waste off-sets the costs and no additional revenue could be gained as it was a non-statutory service. It was confirmed that residents would be consulted as part of the review and that it would also be presented to Scrutiny as it was an issue that affected every resident. It was anticipated that the waste strategy would be holistic in nature and it was hoped Members would be supportive in achieving this.



Upon a recorded vote there voted in favour:

Councillors Ainsley, Baines, Begy, Blanksby, Bool, A Brown, G Brown, Coleman, Dale, Fox, Harvey, Hemsley, Jones, Lowe, MacCartney, Oxley, Payne, Powell, Razzell, Stephenson, Waller, Walters, Webb, Wilby and Woodley.


There abstained Councillor Cross.




1.     That the current position in respect of individual waste contract negotiations be noted


2.     That in principle the contract extensions outlined in Appendix A be approved


3.     That a thorough review of the Council’s Waste Strategy and associated Options Appraisal work undertaken prior to any formal retendering of the Waste contracts commencing including creating a new budget of £50k to complete the works required as per para 6.3 – 6.5 be approved


4.     That an annual charge per bin for Green Waste kerbside collections at £40 per annum for the financial year 2021/22 be approved


5.    That a discount of 25% of the subscription charge for eligible residents on local council tax support be approved.

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