Agenda item


To receive Report No. 38/2021 from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to the Council for determination.


Councillor Wilby, as Portfolio Holder for Education and Children’s Services, thanked all the school staff, including support staff, for their hard work during the pandemic to keep pace with the government guidance, and their efforts to look after the county’s children. He also thanked staff at Rutland County Council for a cohesive and supportive team effort throughout the pandemic.

Councillor Wilby presenteda report to Council regarding the Schools’ Capital Programme Project.The Cabinetreport of 16th February 2021 (reportnumber 35/2021) and associated papers were attached tothe agendapapers. 

During the discussion, the following points were noted:

·       All the three secondary schools in Rutland were all excellent schools.

·       Uppingham College was happy with its current size

·       Casterton College would benefit from a major injection of capital. However, 70% of its pupils lived outside Rutland.

·       Lincolnshire County Council would be investing in their secondary school located in Stamford.

·       Cabinet had recommended that Catmose Campus be expanded.

·       Changes included removing the Brightways service from the building so allowing the service to expand and adding an extension to the school so increasing the capacity of the school to an eight-form entry starting September 2022. 

·       £5.5 million pounds allocated in total to the programme.

·       A Schools’ Capital Programme Board and a Catmose Campus Project Board have been created to oversee the project.

·       Project Manager will be Mr. Robert Shore as he retires from RALSS in the summer of 2021.

·       Councillor Wilby proposed the programme to Cabinet, Councillor Ainsley seconded.

·       Councillor Waller thanked all the staff working in schools for the past year and for what future work might be required. 

·       Councillor Waller expressed concern about the project board process particularly the Catmose Campus Project Board. There was concern about the previous history of projects at Catmose going over budget and the fact that no Ward Councillor was a member of that project group.  It was noted that the Catmose Campus Project Group was a project group established by the Catmose Trust and not by Rutland County Council, so no Ward Councillor was required to attend as per the project guidance. Councillor Wilby confirmed that he would be attending the Schools’ Capital Programme Board run by the council and would ensure that Cabinet and Council were regularly updated.

·       Councillor Webb expressed concern regarding parking as the project did not include any increase in parking facilities. Councillor Wilby confirmed that the parking system around Catmose should allow for sufficient parking.

·       Councillor Cross stated that he felt the cost involved for such a modest extension was excessive. He stated that he was worried there was no set plan for future builds.

·       Councillor A Brown asked for further information regarding the £100,000 involved in the moving of Brightways. Councillor Wilby confirmed that Adult Social Services had changed and would continue to change significantly in the future. The move of Brightways from the Catmose Campus to the Oakham Enterprise Park would enable the service to expand and meet the changing demands of the service.  Councillor Wilby stated that the Project Manager, Robert Shore, was keeping a detailed record of all costs and expenditure involved in the project.

·       A recorded votewas held and the vote in favour was unanimous.



That Council:


1.    Approved the initiation of the Schools’ Capital Programme Project and the related documentation comprising Project Initiation Document (PID), Programme and Project Board Terms of Reference as attached at Appendices C, D and E of the report up to a maximum value of £5.5m


2.    Noted the contents of the of the Risk & Issues Log and associated Programme

Timetable as attached at Appendix B of the report


3.    Noted the budget available to support the projects, paragraph 7.1 in the report


4.    Authorised the Interim Director for Children’s Services to commence the Schools’ Capital Programme and associated structures to enable the local authority to meet its statutory obligation to provide sufficient secondary schools places within Rutland, subject to reporting to Cabinet on the costing prior to placement of the order to commence construction.


5.    Delegated authority to the Interim Director for Children’s Services and Portfolio Holder for Lifelong Learning, Early Years, SEND, Inclusion, Safeguarding Children & Young People to enter into the funding agreement.

Supporting documents: