Agenda item


To receive Report No. 20/2021 from the Strategic Director for Places.





Application No



Applicant, Location & Description


Mr A Wilson

The Old Reservoir, Stockerston Road, Uppingham

Conversion of redundant reservoir to 1 no. 4 bedroom house to include garage and solar array.
















APPROVED as per the officer recommendation in the report.




Mr Thomas Cowling

14 Great Lane Greetham

Two storey and single storey rear extension and timber porch.


APPROVED as per the officer recommendation with amendments to conditions 2 and 3 which would be detailed in the minutes and decision notice.



1)       2020/0275/FUL - The Old Reservoir, Stockerston Road, Uppingham Conversion of redundant reservoir to 1 no. 4 bedroom house to include garage and solar array.


The Principal Planning Officer for this application, Nick Hodgett, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application, recommending approval.


There were no updates to the agenda report since it had been published.


Prior to discussion, the Committee heard from the following speakers on this application and had the opportunity to be asked questions from the Committee:


·        Mr William Noakes – Objector

·        Mr Andrew Willson – Applicant


Questions were raised by the Committee which were responded to by the Officers. Some of these questions focused on the site itself, the hedgerow and the public footpath. Officers advised that the site was located around 200metres from the public highway. The public footpath was around 50 metres to the north of the site and to the south west was a small group of houses and farmyard. The site was otherwise surrounded by agricultural land, bounded by mature hedgerows. Details of the consultee responses and the concerns of the objector (who spoke on the evening) were detailed in the report papers.


The Committee questioned the sustainability of the development and officers advised that the proposal did constitute sustainable development and made good use of an existing rural building providing more housing. Steps were being taken to ensure that there was safe access and it was being designed to not detract from visual or residential amenity.


Accordingly, the Committee moved to the officers recommendation for approval of application 2020/0275/FUL. Councillor Cross proposed and Councillor A Brown seconded and a vote was taken. It was noted a request from the Committee that officers discussed with the applicants its concerns regarding maintaining biodiversity on the site.


The recommendation with a vote of 9 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention was, therefore carried.


APPROVED as per the officer recommendation in the report.


2)       2021/0115/FUL - 14 Great Lane Greetham, two storey and single storey rear extension and timber porch.


The Development Control Manager for this application, Justin Johnson, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application, recommending approval.


The supplementary report provided an update since the agenda had been published. There had been a response from Greetham Parish Council who raised objections because of the impact on neighbouring dwelling because of the distance and the resulting shadowing as well as overlooking. 5 further representations had been received from nearby residents objecting to the proposed development. These reiterated the concerns expressed by Greetham Parish Council in relation to overshadowing and loss of privacy. A further concern was expressed in relation to the flues and extraction equipment and potential odours.


Officers advised that the above comments were covered in the officers report, however, there was a correction to condition 3 in relation to the new first floor window in the north elevation and condition 2 would also be amended to add external flues to be approved by the local planning authority.


Prior to discussion, the Committee heard from the following speakers on this application and had the opportunity to be asked questions from the Committee:


Mrs Nicole-Marie Brown - Objector

Mr Thomas Cowling – Applicant


The Committee considered the application, representations, and the history of the site from officers. There was some concern raised by members on the issue of the windows and overlooking. They also sought clarification on the history of the site as was a retrospective permission to amend the approval under reference 2020/0808/FUL.  


The Committee was advised that the agenda report addressed these concerns. The proposed amendments to the application were not considered unacceptable or lead to an impact on the neighbouring properties. These concerns, however, were noted. Assessments had been undertaken in relation to loss of light and overshadowing and these were not considered to impact on the neighbouring properties. Amended conditions in relation to the first floor window and to add external flue to be agreed also addressed these concerns further.


Accordingly, the Committee moved to the officers recommendation for approval of application 2021/0115/FUL subject to the amended conditions noted above. Councillor Cross proposed and Councillor Baines seconded and a vote was taken.


The recommendation with a vote of 10 in favour and 1 abstention was, therefore, subject to the amended conditions 2 and 3.


APPROVED as per the officer recommendation in the report and subject to the amended conditions noted below:


2.  The location of the external vents shall be in accordance with the details submitted on the 7 April 2021. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification); the installation of any other chimney, flue, external vents or soil and vent pipes shall be approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to installation.


3.   Before the occupation of the dwelling hereby approved the new first-floor window in the north elevation shall be obscurely glazed and fixed with no opening where any part of the window is below 1.7metres in height when measured from the internal floor level. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until these measures have been implemented and they shall thereafter be permanently retained in this approved form.

Supporting documents: