Agenda item


To receive Report No. 70/2021 from the Strategic Director for Places.


1.         2021/0117/FUL - Empingham Medical Centre 39 Main Street, Empingham Erection of a single storey pre-fabricated modular building to provide consulting rooms for a temporary period of 3 years


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED. This was against the officer recommendation noted in the agenda report. The full decision notice with reason for approval and the conditions (including those requested by members at the meeting) will be noted in the decision notice and the minutes of the meeting.



2.         2020/1428/FUL - Land to the south of 1 Pond Lane, Greetham Erection of 1 No. detached dwelling including access and Parking


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED



3.         2021/0110/FUL - 85 Main Street, Greetham Extension to an existing residential annexe


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED



4.         2020/0603/LBA - 11-13 High Street West, Uppingham

Alterations to listed building including replacement windows, new cast iron rainwater goods to front elevation and internal renovation works.


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED




1.       2021/0117/FUL - Empingham Medical Centre 39 Main Street, Empingham Erection of a single storey pre-fabricated modular building to provide consulting rooms for a temporary period of 3 years.


The Principal Planning Officer for this application, Darren Burbeary, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application, recommending approval.


Since the agenda had been published there had been updates and these were noted in the Addendum report. There had been additional consultation responses from the Amenity Group with comments in support of the application. A further email had been received from the Chairman of Empingham Parish Council which advised of a further statement and this was noted in the Addendum. 


Prior to discussion, the Committee heard from the following speakers on this application and had the opportunity to ask them questions.


·       Empingham Parish Council – A statement was read out on the Parish Council’s behalf.

·       Ian Halcrow – Applicant


There was concern expressed in relation to parking and how may staff would need parking spaces especially as more face to face appointments were made as restrictions eased.  Members were assured that many of the staff worked in the vicinity and did not need to park at the practice. There was limited public transport but there were options for parking elsewhere.


Questions were raised regarding the temporary application and if longer than 3 years was required. They were advised that the development at St Georges would affect the situation as ideally, the practice would like to expand and have an additional centre there.


There was some concern expressed about setting a precedent if the Committee went against the officer recommendation and Members were advised that if they did decide to overturn the decision (or any decision for any application), they needed to give a good and detailed reason.


In moving to the recommendation, Councillor Baines proposed and Councillor Harvey seconded that the application be refused with the request that they would welcome a new application with consideration of the mitigating factors. There were 5 in favour and 7 against and this motion was lost.


An alternative motion in favour of granting the application for a strict temporary period of 3 years to allow the practice to look elsewhere for a suitable site, with the addition of conditions put forward by Councillor G Brown in relation to noise and a travel plan in consultation with the Highways department (noted below) was put forward.


A vote was taken and there were 7 votes in favour and 5 abstentions.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


i.      The use shall be for a limited period of time of 3 years from when the use of the porta cabin commences on site. At the end of this period the use shall cease, all materials and equipment brought to the land in connection with the use shall be removed and the land restored to its former condition and use as a car park.


ii.     The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbered PTK20-02 Rev A dated Jan 2021, OPP1172779 Elevation Rev A dated 11/09/20 and OPP1172779 Rev C dated 22/03/21.


iii.    The heat exchange units to be installed shall be the Daiken Model No RXM20M9 and shall be installed at ground level as shown in drawing reference OPP1172779 Rev. C dated 22/03/21. And the existing 1.8m high boundary fence and wall on the site boundary with 37 Main Street and 2 Crockets Lane shall be retained.


iv.   Notwithstanding details shown on the approved drawings and for the avoidance of doubt the external walls of the porta cabin shall be painted 'Honesty' 10C31 and the roof, doors, doorframes and window frames shall be pained 'Anthracite grey' RAL7017


v.     The heat exchange units installed shall be regularly serviced and maintained in good working order and shall operate with a sound limit not exceeding 33dB LAeq 15mins at 1m from the nearest façade of 37 Main Street and 2 Crockets Lane.


vi.   Prior to first occupation of the development, a staff and patient travel plan which shall include clear objectives, modal split targets, and alternative parking locations, together with a time-bound programme of implementation, monitoring, regular review and update; shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereafter operated in accordance with the agreed details.



2.       2020/1428/FUL - Land to the south of 1 Pond Lane, Greetham Erection of 1 No. detached dwelling including access and Parking


The Development Control Manager for this application, Justin Johnson, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application, recommending approval.


There were no updates to the agenda report since it had been published.


Prior to discussion, the Committee heard from the following speakers on this application and had the opportunity to ask them questions.


• Mr Preston Walker – Applicant


There was a question in relation to the access to the dwelling and Councillors were advised that it would have its own private access off Pond Lane with its own off road parking. The other question was in relation to access to the bin store for the Care Home. Councillors were assured that there was ample space within the grounds of the care home for these to be relocated. The BT telegraph pole that was in the rear corner of the site would not be removed.


At the conclusion of questions the Chairman moved the recommendation for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report. A vote was taken and the Committee were unanimously in favour.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in the report.



3.       2021/0110/FUL - 85 Main Street, Greetham - Extension to an existing residential annexe


The Development Control Manager for this application, Justin Johnson, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application, recommending approval.


There were no updates to the agenda report since it had been published and no notice of public speaking.


There were no questions for the officers and the Chairman moved to the officers’ recommendation. A vote was taken and the Committee were unanimously in favour.




That the application be APPROVED with the conditions outlined in the report.



Councillor Begy took the Chair for the following application and Cllr Baines left the room.




4.       2020/0603/LBA - 11-13 High Street West, Uppingham

Alterations to listed building including replacement windows, new cast iron rainwater goods to front elevation and internal renovation works.


The Development Control Manager for this application, Justin Johnson, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application, recommending approval.


There were no updates to the agenda report since it had been published and no notice of public speaking.


There were no questions from Councillors.


Accordingly, the Vice-Chairman moved the officers’ recommendation for approval of the application subject to the conditions outlined in the officer report.


The recommendation was agreed unanimously and was, therefore, carried.




That the application be APPROVED with the conditions outlined in the report.



Councillor Baines returned to the Chair for the remaining item on the agenda.




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