Agenda item


To receive items of urgent business which have been previously notified to the person presiding.


LThe Chairman informed Members that in his opinion the cancellation of the Special Meeting of the Council scheduled for 26 July had been undertaken pre-emptively without proper consultation or his agreement, and invited Members to present their views on whether the meeting should be reinstated or rescheduled.


The Chairman and several Members expressed the view that Members had not been sufficiently consulted about the proposed meeting dates and that the Special Meeting should be reinstated for the 26 July. Reference was also made to other communications regarding a meeting date of the 28 July and concerns were raised by several Members regarding the potential impact of the various meeting dates on a recent meeting and decision of the Planning and Licensing Committee and on the potential for similar concerns at future meetings. Clarification on this matter was provided by Councillor E Baines as Chair of the Planning and Licensing Committee.


Mr Phillip Horsfield, Monitoring Officer, advised Members that although discussions had taken place regarding a potential move of the Special Meeting to 28 July this had never been formally agreed or progressed.


Concern was also expressed by several Members regarding the constitutional role of Council in determining Planning Applications referred to it by Members following a decision by the Planning and Licensing Committee, the Monitoring Officer agreed to investigate this issue and suggested this could be discussed by the Constitutional Review Working Group. 


With regard to the issue of the cancelled Special Meeting, the Chief Executive advised that the cancellation of the meeting on 26 July had been firstly informed by Members concerns on attendance, which had been expressed at an informal Members briefing at which Officers understood that they had consulted all Councillors and reached a shared understanding. Secondly on the ability of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and the Ministry of Defence to provide the assurances on viability of the St Georges Barracks site in time for a 26 July meeting date whereas a later meeting date may allow these assurances to align with Council’s decision on the Local Plan and finally for reasons that the Monitoring Officer would share.


The Monitoring Officer then advised Council of the pre-election period for the expected Oakham South by-election and that although essential business was permitted to continue during the pre-election period, it was conventional for sensitive or controversial decisions to not be made during this period and in particular where they were of a long-term nature or likely to constitute a significant policy change.


It was moved by Councillor Bool that an apology should be issued to the Chairman regarding the failure of communication regarding the cancellation of the 26 July meeting, this was seconded. In response, the Chief Executive confirmed he had personally apologised to the Chairman the previous week regarding the issue.


Regarding the issue raised by the Chairman of the rescheduled Special Meeting, several Members expressed the view that the meeting on 26 July should not be reinstated on the basis of the advice provided by the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer. Members asked questions about the issue of meeting attendance and another pre-election period should another by-election be called before the proposed new Special Council date in September.




The Monitoring Officer advised that the meeting had nearly run until 9.30pm, Councillor Bool proposed that an extension to the meeting of 15 minutes be taken, this was seconded and following a vote was agreed by Council.




It was clarified that the Chairman had the authority to determine whether the Special Meeting proceeded on 26 July or another date. However, the Monitoring Officer advised that it was appropriate for Council to determine the issue at the meeting given the Chairman had invited Members to consider the matter as an item of urgent business.


It was proposed by Councillor O Hemsley that the Local Plan Examination be considered by Council on 13 September, this was seconded. Councillor R Powell proposed that the Local Plan Examination be considered by a Special Meeting in September with an exact date to be confirmed following discussions between the Chairman and Officers. This was seconded and it was emphasised that a date should be chosen in order to maximise the availability of Members to attend the meeting. This was agreed by the mover and seconder of the original motion.


A vote was held on the motion and with 21 votes in favour and 2 against, the motion was carried.



That a Special Meeting of the Council be convened in September to discuss the Local Plan Examination with an exact date to be confirmed after discussions between the Chairman and officers.