Agenda item


To receive Report No. 42/2022 – Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Place Led Delivery Plan from Councillor S Harvey, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Care


Report No. 42/2022 was received from Councillor Harvey as the Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Care.  During the discussion, the following points were noted:


·       Councillor Harvey informed members that the Board could not legally endorse the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) as this would require the Board to make a decision, which it was not legally allowed to do whilst meeting virtually.  It was agreed to defer the decision to the next meeting of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board on the 5th April 2022 when the meeting would be held in person in the Council Chamber at the Council offices in Oakham.

·       The strategy and delivery plan were detailed but remained evolving working documents that were flexible to adapt and change as the reconfiguration of UHL (University Hospitals of Leicester) progressed.

·       Rutland had a clear vision and a comprehensive delivery plan as detailed in Appendix B.

·       Key performance indicators were identified in Appendix D, including current values to serve as baselines.  It was noted that this was just the beginning of the journey for Rutland so the document would evolve as the journey progressed, including developing core quantified targets with involved partners in line with the confirmed timing and scope actions in the plan.

·       A quarterly update report would be submitted to the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board.

·       Patient access to all services was being investigated including the availability of public transport, with the aim of equitable access for all.

·       It was suggested that the delivery plan should include a ‘crisis plan’ to cover such things as a pandemic or other health emergency.

·       Staff shortages within the health service were noted and it was proposed that there should be a focus on staff training including the offer of training and development to graduates and school leavers.

·       Cross border working remained an issue and work was ongoing locally between neighbouring areas regarding integration to ensure a smooth transition for patients from Rutland to other areas and vice versa.

·       The role of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board was being reviewed and this would give the opportunity to develop the Board into something ideal for Rutland moving forward.  The groups reporting into the Health and Wellbeing board were also being extended to facilitate ongoing collaboration and ensure that there was clear ownership and accountability around delivery of the strategy’s seven priorities.

·       It was important that the public should be kept informed and included in the conversations regarding the development of the Board and the integration work being discussed.

·       It was proposed that to monitor the progress of the plan, an annual update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and the JHWS should be reviewed in detail by the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Board i.e. what had worked well or needed more work, what had changed as a result and how this would inform future priorities.



That the Committee:


a)    NOTED the context and purpose of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS).

b)    NOTED the report detailing the outcomes of the JHWS consultation exercise.

c)    AGREED TO DEFER the endorsement of Rutland Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and its associated initial Delivery Plan, attached at Appendices A and B of this report, including: an extension to the life of the strategy from three to five years (2022-27); and adjustments to the structure of the Delivery Plan’s priorities.

d)    AUTHORISED the Directors for Adult Social Care and Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with portfolio for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Care to oversee work to further refine the delivery plan leading up to the Strategy launch, working with local stakeholders.

e)    APPROVED the proposed evolution of the Health and Wellbeing Board, including adopting the ‘Do, sponsor, watch’ approach to prioritising actions, reviewing the terms of reference of the board and subgroups and developing an engagement strategy including a participation group to support development of the board.

Supporting documents: