Agenda item


To receive Report No. 55/2022 from the Strategic Director of Places.


Report No. 55/2022 was received from the Strategic Director of Places.


Item 1 – 2021/1423/MAO – Erection of up to 50 no. dwellings with associated access, highways, open space, and drainage infrastructure (all matters reserved except access).


(Parish: Langham; Ward: Langham)


Nick Hodgett, Principal Planning Officer, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application additional information set out in the addendum, recommending approval subject to the conditions set out in the report and addendum.


Prior to the debate the Committee received deputations from Pat Ovington as a Parish Councillor of Langham and Councillor O Hemsley as the Ward Member and Chris Green as the agent. The Committee also had the opportunity to ask questions of these speakers.


In response to a question from a Member regarding the length of time it would take before biodiversity gain will be seen on the development, it was confirmed the landscaping plan was subject to reserved matters and there were a wide range of options that could be looked into to bring forward the the gain quicker. The application would see a 53.47% increase in habitat units and 15.74% in hedgerow units.


Members raised concerns around the ownership and maintenance of the hedgerow which would run along Cold Overton Road. In response it was confirmed the hedgerow would be maintained by the landowner. There would be a landscaping plan, landscaping management plan and the maintenance of the hedge would be covered through these.


Members raised concerns on the amenities within Langham and whether the proposed development of 50 dwellings was sustainable in the village. It was noted there was not a shop currently in the village and one bus route running through the A606 on an hourly service. It was suggested it would effectively require either a car or bus journey to get to the closest local amenities.


Consideration was given to the amount of weight given to Langham’s Neighbourhood Plan and clarification was sought on whether the plan had been submitted for reg 16 consultation.

It was explained the review had not reached its statutory consultation under Reg 16 and it had not advanced in its preparation and until the Reg 16 consultation was completed, it was unknown if there would be any unresolved objections to relevant policies.It was put forward by the Ward member that Reg 16 process had very recently begun.


Members raised further concerns around the location of the development being in open countryside and outside the planned limits to development within the village.


It was moved by Councillor W Cross that the application be refused due to the sustainability of Langham given the lack of amenities, the location of the planning application in open countryside and the additional weight was given to the emerging neighbourhood plan in terms of NPPF paragraphs 14 & 11. This was seconded and upon being put to a vote, with 5 votes in favour and 4 against, the motion was carried.




That application 2021/1423/MAO be REFUSED on the following grounds:



  1. The submission made my Langham Parish Council in terms of NPPF’s paragraphs 14 & 11 and that more weight was given to the emerging neighbourhood plan.


  1. The application was set in open countryside.


  1. The development was not sustainable due to a lack of amenities in the village.


Supporting documents: