Council and councillors

Agenda item


To receive Report No. 98/2022 from the Strategic Director of Places.


Report No 98/2022 was received from the Strategic Director of Places.


Item 1 – 2021/0265/FUL - Green Lane Farm, Newstead Road, Belmesthorpe 1 no. dwelling to replace previously approved mobile home


(Parish: Ryhall; Ward: Ryhall and Casterton)


Justin Johnson, Development Manager, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application and additional information set out in the addendum, recommending refusal.


Prior to the debate the Committee received deputations from Councillor D Wilby as the Ward Member and Shaun Alexander as the applicant. The Committee also had the opportunity to ask questions of these speakers.


The Chairman opened the debate up to Members where the following points were made:


Councillor W Cross was convinced the house proposed would be suitable for the number of occupants within the family.


Members felt a slightly smaller structure would be sustainable. An addition, 150 beef cattle on that plot’s acreage would not be sustainable unless they would be housed indoors for significant periods of time. 


Members agreed a number of conditions to be imposed on any consent which were suggested by the Development Manager to be added if the application was to be approved and to suggest that there is an agricultural occupancy condition attached to the dwelling. That the approved plans in materials are listed and conditioned and also the temporary existing structure, a requirement for that to be removed on occupation of the dwelling being approved.


An additional condition was suggested by Members was to remove permitted development rights or extensions on a house this size.


It was moved by Councillor W Cross that the application be approved subject to the additional conditions.


This was seconded and upon being put to the vote, with six votes in favour and four against, the motion was carried.




a)    That the application 2021/0265/FUL be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined by the Development Manager and agreed by Members within the debate.


b)    The full list of reasons can be found on the planning application page of the Council’s website






Item 2 – 2021/1263/OUT - Outline Planning Application for the development of up to 66 dwellings, public open space and associated infrastructure, with all matters reserved for subsequent approval, other than access.


(Parish: Whissendine; Ward: Whissendine)


Justin Johnson, Development Manager, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application and additional information set out in the addendum, recommending approval.


Prior to the debate the Committee received deputations from Richard Drabble as member of the public opposed to the recommendation, Cynthia Moss as a member from Whissendine Parish Council, a written statement from Councillor R Powell as the Ward Member and Patrick Downes and Richard Nicholas as the applicant and agent. The Committee also had the opportunity to ask questions of these speakers.


The Chairman opened the debate up to Members where the following points were made:


Members inquired into when the agent would commence the building works if planning permission was granted as in the proposed recommendations it stated 3 years for reserved matters and a further 2 years before getting on site. The agent replied saying hopefully to be on site within 12-15 months if granted approval.


Until permission was granted, an agreement would not be signed off in regard to the potential building firm to build the development, the agent did inform Members that there had been interest from various building firms for the proposed site.


With regards to drainage there was a proposal to limit and restrict run off from the site to the 5 litres per second which is an improvement to what is already on site currently. The greenfield run off rate for this site was 9.7 litres per second, there would be no surface water from this development that would run down into the village.


Members raised concerns over flooding especially by the bridge within the village and asked if it would be a defendable position if taken to appeal if the application was refused. Officers responded saying there are sustainable drainage systems which can be put in place to incorporate sustainable drainage within the site and it would be hard to defend at appeal.


It was pointed out that in page 17 of the report under the surface water drainage SuDs point A, there was a typographical error in the first sentence ‘information about the design storm period and intensity 1 in 30 and 1 in 100 (+30% allowance for climate change) should read + (40%).


It was confirmed to members that at the reserved matters stage, the number of dwellings fit for that site would be confirmed with the upper limit being 66.


It was moved by Cllr MacCartney that the application be approved with additional conditions to alter the timings to the submission of reserved matters to 18 months, the implementation for development to be reduced from two years to one year, Condition 4 in the recommendations, the reasons to be amended to include reference to the developable area, additional conditions for the public rights of way comments and changes to the drainage conditions, also a suggested note to the applicant in terms of entering into a PPA.


This was seconded and upon being put to the vote, with five votes in favour and four against, the motion was carried.




That the application 2021/1263/OUT be APPROVED subject to the conditions in the report and that:


a)    That the application 2021/1263/OUT be APPROVED subject to the conditions in the report and that:


1)    Alteration of timings to the submission of reserved matters to 18 months, the implementation for development to be reduced from two years to one year.


2)    Condition 4 in the recommendations, the reasons to be amended to include reference to the developable area.


3)    Additional conditions for the public rights of way comments and changes to the drainage conditions.


4)    A suggested note to the applicant in terms of entering into a PPA.


b)    The full list of reasons can be found on the planning application page of the Council’s website






Item 3 – 2022/0391/FUL - Single Storey rear extension


(Parish: Ashwell; Ward: Exton)


Justin Johnson, Development Manager, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application recommending approval.


It was moved by Councillor E Baines the application be approved.


This was seconded and upon being put to the vote, with nine votes in favour and zero against, the motion was unanimously carried.




a)    That the application 2022/0391/FUL be APPROVED subject to the conditions in the report.


b)    The full list of reasons can be found on the planning application page of the Council’s website







Item 4 – 2022/0392/LBA - Single Storey rear extension


(Parish: Ashwell; Ward: Exton)


Justin Johnson, Development Manager, addressed the Committee and gave an executive summary of the application recommending approval.


It was moved by Councillor E Baines the application be approved.


This was seconded and upon being put to the vote, with nine votes in favour and zero against, the motion was unanimously carried.




a)    That the application 2022/0392/LBA be APPROVED subject to the conditions in the report.


b)    The full list of reasons can be found on the planning application page of the Council’s website



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