Agenda item


To review and update the actions arising from the previous meeting








Councillors Toseland, Lambert and Waller to establish a Homelessness Evidence Panel to gather evidence regarding the issue of homelessness in the county and report their findings to the SOSC.


Councillors Toseland, Lambert and Waller



In September 2022, Councillor Begy to lead/establish an Evidence Panel to gather information about the implementation of the Council’s Minerals Authority Contract and report back to the SOSC. 

Councillor Begy



Chief Executive and the Leader to discuss highways and transport – particularly the issue of speeding - with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Highways and Transport and the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Environment and Climate Change to help inform the committee on the best method of scrutinising this important issue.

Chief Executive / Leader of the Council



Councillors Ainsley, Begy, Webb and Browne to consider how to follow up on the SEND work that was started by the last Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee; especially in light of the Government's support via the Delivering Better Value programme. 


Councillors Ainsley, Begy, Webb and Browne



Councillor Waller to contact the non-executive councillors about the creation of a ‘Customer Experience’ Task and Finish Group to learn more about what Rutland residents experience when accessing Council services.


Councillor Waller



Councillors Waller and Webb to discuss with portfolio holders the following items for possible inclusion on to the Committee’s Work Plan, ready for final approval at the next meeting:


·       Devolution

·       Economic Development Strategy

·       UK Prosperity Fund

Councillors Waller and Webb



The Leader to discuss with the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Environment and Climate Change the possibility of an informal briefing session for all Councillors about the current status of the Culture Review and identify what the SOSC could do to assist the Council as part of the review process.

Leader of the Council



The actions from the previous meeting were discussed and updated accordingly.


Action 1

Councillors Toseland, Lambert and Waller to establish a Homelessness Evidence Panel to gather evidence regarding the issue of homelessness in the county and report their findings to the SOSC.

Item on the agenda for discussion.


Action 2

In September 2022, Councillor Begy to lead/establish an Evidence Panel to gather information about the implementation of the Council’s Minerals Authority Contract and report back to the SOSC. 

Item deferred until January 2023 and added to the Work Plan.


Action 3

Chief Executive and the Leader to discuss highways and transport – particularly the issue of speeding - with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Highways and Transport and the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Environment and Climate Change to help inform the committee on the best method of scrutinising this important issue.

The Chair had requested Councillor Bool to lead on this item as he had experience of a variety of different speeding concerns and so was well placed to view the problem Rutland wide.  It was agreed that Councillor Bool would arrange a meeting with the Chief Executive, the Leader and the Strategic Director of Places to discuss the best way for this issue to be scrutinised.

ACTION: Councillor Bool

Action 4

Councillors Ainsley, Baines, Begy, Webb and Browne to consider how to follow up on the SEND work that was started by the last Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee; especially in light of the Government's support via the Delivering Better Value programme. 

The Chair reported that she had asked Councillor Payne to be part of the SEND group and she confirmed that Councillor Webb would lead on the SEND item.  A meeting had been arranged with Dawn Godfrey on the 15th July to discuss how best to continue scrutiny’s work on this subject matter.  It was agreed that the group (Councillors Ainsley, Baines, Begy, Browne, Payne and Webb) should meet before the 15th July and that Councillor Webb would confirm if Councillor Begy could continue to be part of the group.

ACTION: Councillor Webb

Action 5

Councillor Waller to contact the non-executive councillors about the creation of a ‘Customer Experience’ Task and Finish Group to learn more about what Rutland residents experience when accessing Council services.

Councillor Waller confirmed that she had contacted the non-executive councillors.  Councillor Toseland confirmed that she would like to be involved in this Task and Finish Group. It was agreed that Councillor Waller would speak with the Cabinet member regarding what the Task and Finish Group could do and by when and that Councillor Brown would contact Councillor Begy to confirm that he could still lead this Task and Finish Group.

ACTION: Councillors Waller and G Brown

Action 6

Councillors Waller and Webb to discuss with portfolio holders the following items for possible inclusion on to the Committee’s Work Plan, ready for final approval at the next meeting: Devolution; Economic Development Strategy and UK Prosperity Fund.

Councillors Waller and Webb confirmed that the were due to meet and would update at the next meeting.

ACTION: Councillors Waller and Webb

Action 7

The Leader to discuss with the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Environment and Climate Change the possibility of an informal briefing session for all Councillors about the current status of the Culture Review and identify what the SOSC could do to assist the Council as part of the review process.

The Strategic Director of Places confirmed that a report had previously been developed by consultants on upgrading the existing museum facility.  There had also been discussions with the previous portfolio holder with Scrutiny about the scope of a culture review.  Both of these were put on hold due to the Covid pandemic. It was agreed that the culture review report would be circulated to members for their information.

ACTION: Jane Narey

It was agreed that Councillors G Brown, Fox and Waller would meet with the Strategic Director of Places, Councillor Oxley, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Environment and Climate Change and Councillor Payne, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Performance, Change and Transformation to produce a draft scoping document detailing what the Scrutiny Committee could do to assist as part of the Asset Review.

ACTION: Councillor G Brown