Council and councillors

Agenda item



Nick Thrower, Principal Planning Officer, introduced the application and gave an executive summary, recommending refusal for the reasons outlined in the report.


Prior to the debate the Committee received deputations from Tim Hills who spoke as the member of the public supporting the application, Andy Williamson who spoke as the representative from Market Overton Parish Council and Matt Taylor who spoke as the agent. The Committee also had the opportunity to ask questions of these speakers.


It was clarified by the agent through questions from Members that the trees on the development on the western boundary were owned by the applicant and a tree preservation order had been placed on the trees.


It was highlighted to Members in the addendum report with an amended highways plan submitted, the highways objection to the proposal had been removed.


Following a further presentation from the Planning Officer and Councillors MacCartney and Harvey speaking as Ward Members, the Chair opened the debate. During the debate the following points were raised:-


-       Members were in agreement that the proposed development was outside the planned limits of development and if members were in agreement for this application, other applications would wish for the same outcome. Concerns were raised around the precedent which would be set by the Council if the application would be approved.


-       Each application had to be looked at on its own merits, in response to a question by members around precedent, officers confirmed that if Members approved this application and refused another which also was outside the planned limits of development, the likelihood of this application being brought up at appeal was likely.


-       Members agreed that the neighbourhood plan did not set out any proposed sites for development which made the site contrary to policy.


-       Concerns were raised over the level of shading from the trees situated on the western side of the site and the lack of bio-diversity net gain. Officers confirmed that a bio-diversity net gain plan had been provided and if the application was approved, then the plan would be seen by the ecologist for comment and to ensure an appropriate management scheme was in place either by a condition or through a Section 106 agreement.


-       Members highlighted that the Market Overton Neighbourhood Plan had only been approved less than a month ago and residents were not wanting to work towards it and to make changes to it.


-       It was pointed out quite clearly in the Council’s Local Plan that developments outside planned limits of development were not accepted unless exceptions applied. Members struggled to see the exception for this application.


-       The potential impact on the view to the entrance of the village was raised, Members were unsure to how it would not affect the village entrance.


-       Members felt the application was premature, was not in line with the neighbourhood plan, should wait until the call for sites had been evaluated across the County.


-       The Ward Member highlighted that the application was fully supported by the local community and the current PLD limits within the village had no further space for expansion so felt this was an exceptional circumstance and should be approved.


It was moved by Councillor G Brown and seconded that the application be refused. Upon being put to the vote, with 8 votes for and 1 vote against, the motion was carried.




a)    That application 2022/0778/FUL be REFUSED for reasons outlined by the Planning Officer and agreed by Members within the debate.


b)     The full list of reasons can be found on the planning application page of the Council’s website




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