Agenda item


Neil Tomlinson, Senior Highways Manager, Rutland County Council


30 minutes for presentation and questions


1)            PARISH/COMMUNITY LIGHTING UPDATE – Neil Tomlinson, Senior Highways Manager, Rutland County Council


Mr Tomlinson gave a presentation on LED Street Lighting Proposals.


Key areas highlighted included:


i)              The cost to RCC of Parish street lighting (energy and maintenance) was approximately £44k and the total Parish contribution was around £13k leaving RCC with a net cost of £30k (2014/15 figures).

ii)             Most Parish Councils were paying £1 per Council Tax payer towards the cost of energy for Parish lighting regardless of how many street lights they have.

iii)            Minimal investment from Parishes in current stock towards energy efficient units or maintenance.

iv)           Current RCC energy costs of around £120k on top of parish costs.

v)            That the proposal, subject to Cabinet approval, was to “Upgrade all available stock to LED units.  Categorise all lighting as either highway or community lighting and recover energy costs for community lighting from town and parish councils/meetings.  In future RCC will inspect and maintain all lighting stock throughout the County”.

vi)           Subject to Cabinet and Parish agreement, upgrade almost 3500 existing units to TRT Aspect lighting units; RCC will manage and maintain all County lighting stock and Parishes will be charged a flat fee for energy used on Community Lighting, subject to inflation.

vii)          TRT Aspect Light units offered a 12 year manufacturer guarantee saving on maintenance and repeat visits together with a 60/75% saving on energy and carbon production and were part-night dimmable.

viii)         Benefits to parishes and Town Councils:

a)    Lower rates of energy costs compared to current Parish contracts;

b)    No future maintenance costs for lighting stock for Parishes;

c)    Reduced administration costs/time for lighting provision (one annual payment in arrears);

d)    Competitive and transparent costs for all aspects of lighting provision;

e)    One stop for all enquiries and fault reporting;

f)     No liability for future structural and electrical testing for lighting stock;

g)    Reduced carbon emissions;

h)    Modern, efficient, upgraded lighting stock at no expense to the Parish.

ix)           Benefits to RCC and Public:

a)    Around 3500 upgraded lighting units;

b)    Annual energy saving of around 60% of current costs;

c)    12 year manufacturer guarantee;

d)    Single point of contact for all street lighting faults;

e)    Uniform stock throughout the County.


The following points were noted:


i.              The question of reimbursing Parishes where lights had already been replaced at a cost to the Parish: Mr Tomlinson responded that the Council would look at each individual Parish for costs and possible readjustments.

ii.            That approximately 1000 of the 3500 units in the County were already energy efficient and would be left in place for the time being.

iii.           The Council was looking to invest significant sums into each Parish.  An engineer was reviewing light stock and requirements, safety schemes and some road junctions.  The was no duty for the Council to light the highway.  Existing provision and requirements were being looked at against British Standards for Lighting to meet similar light levels on the ground.  The Council was not looking to increase lighting provision.

iv.           Sign lighting was to be reviewed after the process outlined in point iii.

v.            Additional lighting would still be with the Parish; the Council would take on the maintenance of the unit.

vi.           Where it was planned for electricity cables to be taken underground in the near future the Council would discuss the positioning of lights with the Parish.

vii.          That the Council would look at rates with individual parishes where existing fixed term contracts with suppliers.


The Chairman thanked Mr Tomlinson for his presentation.


Supporting documents: