Agenda item


Discussion led by Dr Rashida Sharif

(Report to follow)


I)             Dr Sharif presented the Annual Report for 2015-16.  She noted that only three schools had been inspected by Ofsted during this period and there had been no SIAMS inspections during the same period. 


II)            The Chair commented that 2015-16 seemed such a long time ago and suggested the Members consider extending the report to the end of April 2017 to encompass the municipal year.  This would make no difference to results and would bring the Annual Report up to date for presentation to Full Council to encourage more engagement with SACRE.  The motion was proposed and seconded.  Members unanimously voted to extend the period of the Annual Report from September 2015-April 2016.


III)           Mr Andreas Menzies felt this made sense.  He asked about the quotes used in this report and wondered if they were the same as those used in the previous report.  Dr Sharif confirmed that only the first quote was the same and that the other quotes were taken from 2015-15 inspection reports.


IV)          Mrs Crellin commented that the quote on the front had nothing to do with religious education. 


V)           Miss Waller thought that the Scrutiny Panel might read the first page and feel more engaged if it reflected the overall benefits of education.


VI)          Mrs Crellin commented that she felt it was wrong not to link the quote to religious education but very much liked the quotes from young people and it would be good to have some new quotes.


VII)        Ms Walker and Mrs Davis reported that they may be able to assist with some new quotes from recent student questionnaires. 


Action:  Ms Walker and Mrs Davis to send comments and quotes to Miss Waller for incorporation into the Annual Report


VIII)       Mr Neil Rawes and Mr Carl Smith may be able to provide some additional quotes from their post 16 students.


Action:  Mrs Snodin to contact Mr Rawes and Mr Smith


IX)          Miss Waller noted that we have slightly longer now that the Members had agreed to extend the period that the Annual Report covers.  She will send the report to Mrs Snodin once the amendments had been made for her to format and finalise it.

Action:  GW/CS


X)           Dr Sharif said that some quotes had not carried through from her original draft into the report.  She would send these through to Miss Waller.

Action:  RS


XI)          Amendments requested by Mr Sharpe will be forwarded to Miss Waller for incorporation into the revised draft.

Action:  CS


XII)        Paragraph 2.2 – Miss Waller will add an additional comment to re-inforce the legal side of why SACRE exists

Action:  GW




XIII)       Paragraph 6.2 – To be split into two paragraphs


Action:  GW


IXV      Paragraph 10.2 - Miss Waller stated that she would

like the success of the development plan reflected in the Annual Report which offers a clear statement of intent that we are part of the development of the agreed syllabus.


XV       Mrs Ray felt that Appendix A – Membership and Attendance – looked a bit negative.  Although we have to report attendance, we do not have to report current vacancies.   The boxes containing information about vacancies will be deleted along with boxes in the Co-opted Groups who no longer attend.


Action:  GW


XVI      Miss Waller suggested putting a sentence or two in the Head Teachers Bulletin welcoming anyone from the Unions who would like to be a member of SACRE.


Action:  CS