Agenda item

Budget Update

To receive and consider paper Schools Budget 2016/17 Update & Appendix.


Ms Greaves introduced the paper Schools Budget 2016/17 Update & Appendix 1 Forecast outturn 2016/17 paper. Schools’ Forum NOTED the contents. During discussion the following points were made:


4.1       Dr O’Neill advised that alongside preparation for an Ofsted SEND inspection, the Council will be embarking on a piece of work which will attempt to reduce  the number of out of county high needs placements, making greater use of the high needs provision within Rutland and thereby reducing the current high needs overspend. This will be a complex piece of work involving partner agencies, schools, and looking at the approaches taken by neighbouring authorities.


4.2       Mr Wilby advised that funding has been made available from a DfE SEND reform grant which will fund the appointment of a dedicated Project Officer to oversee this work. In addition to focussing on SEND provision, the approach taken will also consider aspects of and involve children’s social care, education and health provision. In planning future high needs provision, it will be important to engage at an early stage with parents.


4.3       Ms Greaves advised the Forum of two national consultations currently in progress for High Needs and the National Schools Funding Formula, which close 22 March 2017. The Council’s Finance Department will email to all Head Teachers the link to the DfE website, where the consultation documents can be found. These documents provide illustrative budget figures for all schools.


4.4       Members of the Forum expressed concern that the proposals within the Funding Formula consultation could have a negative impact on a number of schools leading to a loss of funding. Members were particularly concerned about changes to the primary secondary pupil ratio, which could adversely affect all secondary school provision within Rutland. It was suggested that the Council should make representation to the Government about these proposals through it’s MP.


4.5       The consultation documents provide illustrative figures only and consideration should focus on the principles behind the proposals, as opposed to looking at the potential negative or positive impact on individual schools. Schools’ Forum AGREED that the Local Authority (LA) will co-ordinate a group of representatives from each sector, who will meet to consider the proposals with a view to formulating a considered response representing the view of all provision within Rutland. Early February was suggested as the timescale for this. The response once compiled can be fed back through the consultation process and/or to the Government as thought fit, and can be circulated to all Head Teachers for their information.


 4.6      Ms Greaves advised that the High Needs consultation was primarily concerned with how funds are allocated by the LA, not how funds are spent. High Needs budgets will be under pressure if the number of pupils requiring high needs provision continues to increase.


4.7       Mrs Darlington provided a brief update regarding Early Years funding. Providers will be receiving less funding per child, whilst having to deal with increasing living wage and pension commitments. Providers have made representation to the DfE (November 2016) but with no response as yet.   Providers are meeting with LA officers with a view to attempting to increase funding rates from 2018/19 onwards.


Supporting documents: