Agenda item


To receive Report No. 92/2017 from the Director for Places (Development and Economy)


Report No. 92/2017 was received from the Director for Places (Development and Economy).


Mr Clayton, Head of Culture & Registration, introduced the report as the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Culture, Sport & Recreation and Environment had been unable to attend the meeting. The purpose of the report was for Scrutiny to consider the draft Strategic Plan for culture & Leisure in Rutland 2017-20 as part of the consultation process.


Mr Clayton mentioned that the report was produced by the Culture & Leisure Theme Group, and that the Local Strategic Partnership had changed and Mr Walters would now be Chair going forward from 13th June 2017.



Mr Stewart left the meeting and did not return



During discussion the following points were noted:


      I.        The Theme Group was made up of Arts for Rutland, Friends of Rutland County Museum, Oakham in Bloom, Town Partnerships, and Uppingham First. It was noted that there was an open invite for others to join.

    II.        Mr Begy raised that the report did not detail how any of the actions would be achieved.

   III.        Mr Clayton highlighted that where it mentions that the Council would support functions it did not mean the Council would provide funding, and that this should be made clearer.

  IV.        It was noted to include mention of cycle paths and tracks as they have been shown to improve road safety.

   V.        Local artists should be encouraged to donate pieces of work to museums as this might increase public access to art.

  VI.        Mr Dale noted that the report looked as though it was a wish list, and questioned whether all would be achieved within the timescale. Mr Clayton agreed that the timescale would be more realistic set at 2030 instead of 2020.

 VII.        It was raised that it seemed there were groups doing their own thing, such as Discover Rutland and Rutland Water It was suggested that Rutland County Council should bring these groups together and create for example a sports hub between all groups to get more people involved. Mr Clayton noted that while Discover Rutland was not listed as a partner, they were still involved with the report.

VIII.        The plan was trying to combine groups as it was recognised that there were shared interests between them.

  IX.        Members were happy to see mention of support for improving the library in Uppingham as it was long overdue.

   X.        It was mentioned that a community hub in Uppingham Town Hall is no longer going ahead due to a lack of funding. It was suggested to increase the facilities on offer at the library.

  XI.        Questions were asked regarding the need for the inclusion of the subject of decreasing the impact of smoking, obesity and alcohol consumption in the report, and what relevance it had to culture and leisure. Officers would look to reword this section to focus on encouraging people to be more active.

 XII.        With reference to Catmose swimming pool, it was suggested there should be a full debate before putting more money into the pool.






The contents of the report were CONSIDERED.


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