Agenda item


To receive any questions submitted from Members of the Council in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rules 30 and 30A.


i)        Miss G Waller


It has recently been announced by Centrebus that their service 19 (Nottingham to Peterborough via Oakham and Stamford) will be changed from 13 August this year.  The RF1 Service will be extended to Melton and the Stamford to Peterborough part of the journey retained but the Oakham to Stamford part of the journey will be available Monday to Friday only. (


The amendment of this service will be a particular blow to residents of villages on the North Shore of Rutland Water, Empingham and Great Casterton being the bus service which enables residents to access employment (in Oakham or Stamford); medical practices and dentists, shops and post 16 education (whether at New College Stamford, Harington School or in Melton Mowbray; depending on which direction one is travelling).  It should also be noted that our draft Local Plan still names Empingham as a Service Centre; it will seem odd to have a Service Centre with a limited bus provision.


I have been advised by officers that the route is not due to change till 20 September and that the route is remaining but with fewer buses per day; neither of these statements is in accord with Centrebus’ web site.


Can the portfolio holder confirm:


1.    That the bus route currently numbered 19 covering Oakham to Stamford will be retained for the foreseeable future?

2.    That any changes to the timetable will be such that employees will be able to reach their places of employment in Stamford or Oakham before their work is due to begin and that there is a bus to take them home at the end of the day?

3.    That students studying at Harington School and New College, Stamford, will be able to get to the School/College in time in the morning and that there will be a bus they can catch after the last lesson of the day?

4.    That students studying in Melton will be able to get a connecting service in Oakham that will get them to College in time and there will be a return service available to them?

5.    That RCC, in any consultation/negotiation with Centrebus or in any future tendering operation, takes account not only the current subsidy to Centrebus but also the additional costs which would be required to provide alternative transport to post 16 students living in Rutland should this bus be cancelled.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Growth, Infrastructure and Resources (Highways, Transport and Market Towns), Mr Mathias responded as follows:


The proposed revised Oakham – Stamford and Oakham – Melton services are commercial services operated by Centrebus which means that RCC do not have any influence or control over the provision, and are unable to commission a service that would be in direct competition with the commercial provider. The council is currently exploring the impact of the change.  In addition please note that Call Connect is available for the villages along the route into Stamford Monday to Friday from 7am – 7pm and 8am – 6pm on Saturdays, and Oakham – Stamford is served by a direct train link.


Answers to each of the questions were provided as follows:


1.    I can confirm Centrebus will continue to operate between Oakham and Stamford but with a revised timetable Monday to Friday only.  The first departure from Oakham will be at 07:40 and the final departure at 16:05.  The first departure from Stamford is at 08:23 and the final departure at 16:40. We are currently assessing the impact of these changes and are also going out to tender to identify the ongoing cost of any addition service. We hope to have the results of this in a week’s time.

2.    Access to education and employment are always high on the list of priorities for transport services.  However, it is impossible to meet the needs for every working pattern.

3.    Students who are eligible for transport to and from school or college will continue to be supported.

4.    Students who are eligible for transport to and from school or college will continue to be supported.

5.    The scholar requirements have already featured in discussions with Centrebus along with concessionary fares reimbursement. This has helped them to produce their commercial proposal of a reduced timetable, which they are willing to operate without any subsidy.


As a supplementary question, Miss Waller asked whether, as we were providing a subsidy for this service already and if we have to subsidise home to school transport as well, should we think more holistically, looking at how much we spend on transport overall and how that money could be spent more wisely?


Mr Mathias responded that we were not given any notice of this decision from Centrebus and so there was no time to speak to them.  We didn’t ask for a change, it just came as part of a reorganisation in the East midlands.  If we don’t continue the subsidy of £25,000, the money is not earmarked as a saving and so could be used elsewhere to subsidise other transport options.


Mr Mathias requested that if Members had any further questions regarding this issue, they should email himself, Dave Brown (Director for Places (Environment, Planning and Transport), or Rebecca Johnson (Senior Transport Manager).