Agenda item


To receive reports about and receive questions and answers on the business of any joint arrangements or external organisations.


  1. Mr Baines – Rural Community Council

Attended the Awards and an ordinary meeting.  Mr Baines expressed that it would be nice to see more nominees from Rutland for the awards.  Highlighted that Heritage Funding would cease in April 2018 and that it would be disappointing to see the expertise that had built up disappear in Rutland.

  1. Mr Baines – Welland Partnership

Meeting attended, there was still a need to get riparian landowners/occupants involved and Mr Baines had been speaking to the Environment Agency and NFU and was hoping to be able to report some movement in next 3-6 months.

  1. MrConde – Rutland Fair Trade Steering Group

The next few months would see more widespread fundraising activities and Mr Conde hoped that Members would support these.  Mr Conde hoped that the provision of fair trade products in the Council would return and would appreciate a discussion with the RCC officer responsible for this area.  Mr Conde would also be speaking to Sir Alan Duncan regarding the promotion of Rutland as a Fairtrade County using the signage at County borders.

The Chief Executive, Mrs Briggs, confirmed that Fairtrade coffee was available at the Council for an honesty contribution.  Mr Andrew Edwards was the responsible officer and Mrs Briggs would raise this with him.

  1. Miss G Waller – Rutland Access Group

Meeting attended on 11 October which was well supported by RCC Officers from the People and Places Directorates.  Members of the group were reassured by information given regarding the support provided in order to assist the elderly to remain in their own homes.  Members of the group had also expressed that further consideration be given to the needs of disabled residents when the Green Waste policy was next reviewed.  Also, as the Rutland One Public Estate project and St Georges Barracks development progressed that the opportunity would be taken to seek the views of disabled members of the community, particularly with regard to access to any new leisure facilities.

  1. Miss G Waller – South Lincolnshire and Rutland Local Access Forum

Latest meeting included discussion on the restrictions on walking around Eyebrook Reservoir, due to insurance issues this would only be open to organised groups from Mid-November.   Choice Unlimited was an event which showcased information and services and products for disabled people, to facilitate independent living.  It was successfully held in October this year and next years’ event was currently being planned, Miss Waller would inform members once a date had been set.  Rutland Members of the Access Forum has met as a subgroup to focus on Rutland specific areas.  Confirmation was given regarding the membership of the Forum which included elected members, landowners and users of rights of ways amongst others and the forum operated under statutory requirements.

  1. Mr R Foster – Charity of Carlton Hayes hospital

Mr Foster reminded members that there was approximately £200,000 allocated by the charity each year to organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland which were involved in mental health support and services.  In the last 2 years only one application had been received from Rutland.  If members were aware of organisations which they thought may be eligible for funding, then he was very happy to provide guidance on making applications and further information could also be found on the website.