Agenda item


To receive Report No. 59/2018 from the Director for Resources.




Report No. 59/2018 from the Director for Resources was received, the purpose of which was to review the political balance of Committees and Panels in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and Regulations made thereunder and request the Council to approve the allocation of seats in accordance with the statutory requirements concerning political balance.


Mr Mogg, Director for Resources, introduced the report and confirmed that the political balance required review following the election of Councillor Adam Lowe.  The calculation had resulted in a reduction in Conservative seats by two, creating two vacant seats for non-aligned councillors.  The Conservative Group had confirmed that they wished to reduce their allocation of seats on the Audit and Risk Committee and the Employment and Appeals Committee.  Council were asked to nominate one non-aligned member to each of these committees.


The Chairman confirmed that each recommendation would be proposed, seconded and voted upon separately.


Mr Hemsley moved recommendation 1) in the report and this was seconded by Mr Wilby.




1)    To APPROVE the revised political balance calculation as per paragraph 2.5 of this report.



In accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 11, paragraph 2 –

Recording of Votes – Mr Gale requested that his votes against the above

resolution be recorded.



Mr Hemsley moved recommendation 2) in the report and this was seconded by Mr Begy.


During debate on recommendation 2) the following points were raised:


  1. Miss Waller asked for clarification on why there was over representation of non-aligned members on some committees and no representation on others.  Mrs Mogg confirmed that the number of seats on each Committees and the proportionate allocation did not allow for each committee/panel to have identical proportionality;
  2. Miss Waller accepted that the percentages would not allow for exact proportionality on each committee and accepted that there was a level of compromise, but felt that where possible there should be representation of non-aligned councillors on every committee/panel;
  3. Mr Hemsley confirmed that he would give this consideration at Annual Council in May when the Political Balance would be reviewed again;
  4. Mr Gale commented that in his view the Council would work better without political groups;
  5. Mr Baines enquired as to whether Mr Lowe could continue to be the Town Council representative on the Conduct Committee.  Mrs Mogg, confirmed that Mr Lowe could continue to hold that position, but that this appointment was due for review in May 2019.




2)    To APPROVE the allocation of seats to Political Groups shown at paragraph 2.6 and notes the membership of each committee as set out in Appendix 1 of Report 59/2018.



In accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 11, paragraph 2 –

Recording of Votes – Mr Gale requested that his votes against the above

resolution be recorded.



The Chairman invited Council to make nominations for the vacant seat on the Audit and Risk Committee from the non-aligned members.


Mr Oxley proposed Mr Lowe and this was seconded by Mr Baines.


The Chairman invited Council to make nominations for the vacant seat on the Employment and Appeals Committee from the non-aligned members.


Mr Conde proposed Miss Waller and this was seconded by Mrs Stephenson.


Supporting documents: