Agenda item


Report No. 138/2018




Report No. 138/2018 was received from the Chief Executive.


Mr O Hemsley, Leader of the Council, introduced the report, the purpose of which was to provide Cabinet with a progress report on the St. George’s Barracks project further to the report of March 2018. In addition an addendum report was received which dealt with the allocation of resources provided from the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and the partnership working between the Ministry of Defence, Rutland County Council and Regenco. Although there was an exempt appendix to the addendum report, the report was kept in public session as members agreed to only refer to the work to be commissioned and not discuss financial details.


During discussion the following points were raised:


·         At the inception meeting for the business case for Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) on 14 August 2018, Homes England advised the Council that they could revisit and resubmit their financial submission.

·         There had been several updates and changes to the project board but the Council’s representatives remained as the Leader, Deputy Leader and Ward Member, Miss Waller.

·         Paragraph 4.3 of the report made no assumption that the Council would finance the project and was instead referring to Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments.

·         The master plan was an evolving document which would get ever closer to the final planning application document, should a planning application be agreed as the way forward.

·         The next version of the Master Plan would support the HIF business case and align with the Local Plan document.

·         The Officers’ Mess project was at the feasibility stage and findings would be reported back to Cabinet. The item was on the agenda for the next advisory group meeting.

·         Regenco (East Hampshire District Council) had ably accommodated the requirements the Council had put upon them so far and if needed would be able to commission others for extra services.

·         All of the indicative work to support inclusion of St. George’s Barracks into the Local Plan and the preparation of the HIF business case, as outlined in the appendix, would be funded by the MoD and HIF monies.

·         Some of the figures were still being discussed with Regenco and the MoD but were likely to go down. There would be no funding liability for the Council.






1.    NOTED the progress update in respect of the St. George’s Barracks Project.

2.    APPROVED the Schedule of Outcomes set out in the supporting document of the addendum report to Report No. 138/2018

3.    DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Rutland One Public Estate & Growth, Tourism and Economic Development & Resources, the Ministry of Defence Lead and the Director of Resources to agree costs with Regenco subject to these not exceeding the budget allocated.

4.    DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Rutland One Public Estate & Growth, Tourism and Economic Development & Resources, the Ministry of Defence Lead and the Director of Resources to agree changes to the Schedule of Outcomes subject to such costs remaining within the budget allocated.


Reason for Decisions

To ensure that progress on the project is in line with the programme.

Supporting documents: