Agenda item


To receive Report No. 152/2018 from the Director for Resources.


Report No. 152/2018 was received from the Director for Resources, the purpose of which was to present the Strategic Risk Register and provide assurance that strategic risks were being adequately managed.


Mr Della Rocca, Director for Resources, introduced the report and explained that the Councils Strategic Management Team monitored the register.  Mr Della Rocca also noted that some items on the register may be appropriate for Scrutiny to look into.


During discussion the following points were noted:


  1. Mrs Fox noted that carrying vacancies may be putting existing staff under more pressure.  Mr Della Rocca explained that some of the vacancies were planned and as such caused little impact;
  2. Mr Brown highlighted that some recent changes in processes had reduced the need for staff in some areas;
  3. Miss Waller asked whether the recruitment risks (risk 1) had been set at the right level and suggested this could be a future topic for another committee.  Mr Della Rocca agreed to discuss the issue with the Chief Executive in order to decide the best medium for discussing this issue (Scrutiny, Audit and Risk or Employment and Appeals Committee) and advise members of the Committee accordingly;
  4. Miss Waller highlighted that she did not agree that the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) outcomes were “strong in most areas” and requested that this risk level be reviewed in light of evidence of a lack of communication between the three CCG’s in the region.  Miss Waller also commented that the plans being put forward to replace the STP were not explicit about plans for Rutland;
  5. Miss Waller and Mr Conde raised concerns about affordable housing targets.  Mr Brown agreed that  a risk around the delivery of 5 year housing supply may be appropriate and would encompass all targets in this area including affordable homes;
  6. With reference to risks in relation to budget, Miss Waller asked whether members should be receiving regular training on the budget.  Mr Della Rocca advised that he would be giving a full presentation on the budget and Medium Term Financial Plan at the Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Panel on Thursday evening and that this would also be on the Members Development Plan for 2018/19;
  7. Miss Waller noted that there was not a risk around the County Elections which were due to take place in May 2019 and that previously elections were noted on the risk register.  Mr Conde added that the risk was not just in relation to the election, but also around changes in key members.  Mr Della Rocca would take this away to discuss further with Senior Management Team;
  8. Miss Waller requested a written response to all members on the number of staff that had access to the Emergency Recovery Plans;
  9. Miss Waller asked for assurance from Mr Conde, Chair of Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel, that there is robust scrutiny regarding safeguarding adults, particularly oversight of care homes where the Council may not have placed service users, to ensure vulnerable people are not at risk; and
  10. In relation to the risk of “Failure to manage the public’s perception of the Council” Miss Waller would like to see more about the organisational culture and how openness and transparency was embedded.  Mr Lowe highlighted the importance of communicating the ways in which the Council was improving transparency.




The Committee NOTED the content of the Risk Register and the actions underway to address the risks.


Supporting documents: