Issue - decisions


11/03/2019 - BREXIT FUNDING

Report No. 57/2019 was received from the Strategic Director for Resources, the purpose of which was to seek approval to include a government grant for Brexit in the Council’s 18/19 and 19/20 budget.


Mr Hemsley moved the recommendation in the report.  Mr Foster seconded the recommendation.


During debate the following points were noted:


      i.         The first tranche of funding had been received, it was not ring-fenced but conditional that it would be used to mitigate the impact of Brexit.  Work was currently being done with other neighbouring Local Authorities to risk assess the possible impacts of Brexit.




1)     To APPROVE the inclusion of a Government grant of £105k into the Council’s budget for 18/19 and a further £105k for 19/20 for Brexit.

2)     To NOTE that the Chief Executive will manage and allocate this budget accordingly.