Issue - decisions



Report No. 66/2019 was received from the Strategic Director for Resources, the purpose of which was to meet the statutory requirement for the Council to approve an Annual Governance Statement for inclusion in its published Statement of Accounts (SoA) for 2018/19. In advance of formal approval in July, the Committee was invited to consider an early draft.


Mr Della Rocca introduced the report and provided a brief summary.


During discussion the following points were noted:


i.      The report should include reference to the Woolfox proposal and sign-post to further information;

ii.     Information on the recent Ofsted inspection of Children’s Services would be included in the report;

iii.    The list of Scrutiny topics should be reduced to include only those areas where specific focus had been directed, with a link to the relevant pages of the website where all  other reports could be viewed;

iv.   None of the data breaches referred to in the report involved missing/stolen hardware.  Reported data breaches were used in order to inform best practice and improve working practices in order to avoid breaches in the future.




The Committee CONSIDERED whether the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) fairly represents the governance framework in place at the Council and advised on issues it would wish to see addressed or expanded upon in the Annual Governance Statement as detailed above.