Issue - decisions

Internal Audit Progress Report

02/04/2019 - Internal Audit Update

Report No. 26/2018 was received from the Head of Internal Audit. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the progress made in delivering the 2017/18 Annual Audit Plan and outcomes from audit assignments completed since the last Committee meeting.


During discussion the following points were noted:


a)        At the time of reporting,13 audit assignments has been completed, one report was in draft awaiting management comment and work was underway on the remaining five assignments. All reports would be issued in draft by the end of March 2018.


b)        There were 23 actions overdue for implementation; Mrs Mogg confirmed a large number of these would be addressed as part of the GDPR project and those not part of GDPR would be addressed by the next meeting of the Audit & Risk Committee.


c)         The Chair of the Committee had requested the Internal Audit consultancy report on SEND Personal Budgets/Direct Payments be brought to the meeting for the Committee to gauge how effective the consultancy had been in highlighting areas for improvement/good practice and whether it was good use of Internal Audit resources. Mrs Caffrey, who requested the report, confirmed its effectiveness to her service in both content and value.



Mrs Caffrey left the meeting at 7.42pm



d)        The Affordable Housing (Shared Ownership) Monitoring 2017/18 Internal Audit Report was requested by this Committee in the development of the 2017/18 Audit Plan based on a complaint from a Parish Council regarding an affordable housing build that had been sold on without meeting the original affordable housing terms. Members were reminded that this was a consultancy review they had requested and not an Internal Audit assurance report and as such management comments were suggestions and not agreed actions. Mrs Mogg agreed to discuss the management comments including the inclusion of additional clauses in future section 106 agreements and monitoring of current agreements with the Director for Places and report back to the Committee at the next meeting.




i.          The Committee NOTED the Internal Audit update report (Appendix A)

ii.         The Committee APPROVED an amendment to the 2017/18 Annual Audit Plan to defer work on the Barleythorpe/Kings Business Centre to 2018/19 and reallocate these days to support additional work already completed on the Highways Maintenance contract.