Issue - decisions



Report No. 12/2018 was received from the Chief Executive.


Mr O Hemsley, Leader of the Council, introduced the report, the purpose of which was toprovide Cabinet with strategic oversight of the Council’s performance for the third quarter of 2017/18 in delivering our Corporate Plan Aims and Objectives. Members were accountable for the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan and this monitoring information reported on progress and highlighted any key challenges.


During discussion the following points were raised:


  1. Performance regarding delivery of affordablehousing had been disappointing;
  2. The Chief Executive confirmed that since the report had been published 15 out of the 23 affordable homes forecast had been completed and a further 6 were due to be delivered by the end of February.  The Council were focused on making affordable housing a priority and bigger projects coming forward would make a significant contribution in this area in the future;
  3. Mr Begy raised concerns regarding Key Stage 1 and 2 achievement against national averages.  This had also been raised by Councillor Gale Waller at Scrutiny and responses would be provided to Mr Begy.




1)    Cabinet NOTED the overall position in relation to performance for the third quarter of 2017/18 and the actions being taken to address areas of underperformance.


Reason for the decision

1.   At the end of Quarter 3, 91% of indicators measured were on or above target. 9% of indicators were below target and main areas of concern have been highlighted in this report and the remedial action being undertaken to improve performance had been identified.

2.  Overall performance based on activity in the third quarter of 2017/18 was satisfactory.