Issue - decisions



Report No. 67/2018 from the Director for Places (Environment, Planning and Transport) was received.


Mr N Begy, Deputy Chair and Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Planning Operations, Highways & Transport and Communications, introduced the report, the purpose of which was for Cabinet to consider a revised signs guidance and street furniture policy for Rutland.


During discussion the following points were raised:


i.      An inventory of existing organisations with brown tourism signs was being undertaken and these organisations would be contacted to ensure the sign were still required and informed of the new policy;

ii.     Licenses currently held for Pavement Café’s would not change;

iii.    Complaints regarding Pavement Café’s would be addressed by the Highways Inspector, inspection of premises would take place monthly; and

iv.   Complaints regarding A-Boards could be directed through the “Fix My Street” portal and inspections would also occur monthly.




Cabinet APPROVED the Rutland Signs Guidance and Street Furniture Policy in Appendix 1 of Report No. 67/2018.


Reasons for the decision


1.    That the Draft policy (Appendix 1) is approved to minimize sign clutter, control unauthorised signs, ensure highway safety and make the town centres more attractive.