26/05/2022 - Report from Cabinet on taking of Executive Decisions under Special Urgency

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 04/07/2022

Lead officer: Tom Delaney

Notice of decision: 26/05/2022

26/05/2022 - Maintenance Contract for the Revenues and Benefits System

To seek approval to renew the maintenance and remote database administration contracts with Civica UK Limited to ensure the optimum running and support of the system.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/09/2022

Lead officer: Andrea Grinney

Notice of decision: 26/05/2022

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt

13/05/2022 - Capital Outturn report 21/22 and Capital Update 22/23

To provide members with an update on the Council’s financial position


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/06/2022

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 13/05/2022

13/05/2022 - Revenue Outturn report 21/22 and Budget update 22/23

To provide members with an update on the Council’s financial position


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/06/2022

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 13/05/2022

28/04/2022 - Waste and Streetscene Services (including Waste Collection and Disposal) - Strategy and Procurement

Report seeking Cabinet approval


a) to go out to tender to procure Waste and Streetscene services (including waste collection and disposal) in line with contract procedure rule


b) of The Municipal Waste Management and Streetscene Strategy 2021- 2035


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/07/2022

Lead officer: Angela Culleton

Notice of decision: 28/04/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Appendices will be private

14/04/2022 - Developing a UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/07/2022

Lead officer: Penny Sharp

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Interim Position Statement on Housing Development

To seek the approval of an Interim Position Statement to be used as a material consideration in the determination of appropriate planning applications for housing development, pending the adoption of a Local Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/06/2022

Lead officer: Roger Ranson

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Levelling Up Fund (LUF) Bid round 2

Approval to submit a joint bid for Round 2 funding with Melton Council to invest in local transport projects, regeneration of town centres and high streets and support cultural and heritage assets to make a real difference to Rutland.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/06/2022

Lead officer: Angela Culleton

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Programme of Meetings 2023-24

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 22/05/2023

Lead officer: Tom Delaney

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Appointments to Outside Bodies 2023-24

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 22/05/2023

Lead officer: Tom Delaney

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Scheme of Delegation 2023-24

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 22/05/2023

Lead officer: Tom Delaney

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Council Tax 2023/24

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 27/02/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Treasury Management Strategy and Capital Investment Strategy 2023/24

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 27/02/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Fees and Charges 2023/24

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 27/02/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Revenue and Capital Budget 2023/24

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 27/02/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Fees and Charges 2023/24

To discuss the level of fees and charges to be set for services provided by the council for the financial year 2023/24


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/02/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Revenue and Capital Budget 2023/24

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/02/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Treasury Management Strategy and Capital Investment Strategy

To approve the Treasury Management Strategy (Investment Strategy, Borrowing Strategy) which sets a framework for the Council's investment and borrowing activity.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/01/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Draft Revenue and Capital Budget 2023/4

To approve the draft 2023/24 revenue and capital budget for consultation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/01/2023

Lead officer: Saverio Della Rocca

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Grounds Maintenance & Forestry Project Specification Sign Off

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 05/09/2022

Lead officer: Angela Culleton

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Gas and Electricity Utility Contract Renewals - Property Assets

That Cabinet authorises the Strategic Director Places in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Policy, Strategy, Partnerships, Economy and Infrastructure to determine a procurement route, award criteria and if a suitable supplier or suppliers are identified, move forward and award contracts for the supply of gas and electricity to Council owned assets.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/07/2022

Lead officer: Mona Walsh

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Grounds Maintenance & Forestry Project Specification

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 16/08/2022

Lead officer: Angela Culleton

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Care Technology Service Procurement

To seek formal approval to commission an Assistive Technology Service in Rutland in accordance with our contract procedure rules

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 16/08/2022

Lead officer: Mat Wise

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Highways Capital Programme - Second Allocation

Approves that the spend of the Department for Transports (DfT) for the balance of the Highways Maintenance Block funding allocation and both the Capital Pot Hole and Incentive funds received

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 04/07/2022

Lead officer: Andrew Tatt

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Corporate Strategy 2022-27

(Report from the Cabinet)

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 04/07/2022

Lead officer: Kevin Quinn

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Highways Capital Programme - Second Allocation 2022/23

Approves that the spend of the Department for Transports (DfT) for the balance of the Highways Maintenance Block funding allocation and both the Capital Pot Hole and Incentive funds received

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/06/2022

Lead officer: Andrew Tatt

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Market Overton Neighbourhood Plan Review

To seek the approval for the draft Market Overton Neighbourhood Plan Review to be published for consultation and  subsequent stages.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/06/2022

Lead officer: Roger Ranson

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022

14/04/2022 - Annual Report 2021-22

To provide Cabinet with an annual report of Council performance for noting ahead of Full Council in July.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/06/2022

Lead officer: Kevin Quinn

Notice of decision: 14/04/2022