Councillor Abigail West
Party: Liberal Democrats
Political grouping: Liberal Democrat and Green Group
Ward: Cottesmore
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Parish: Barrow ; Cottesmore ; Market Overton
More information about this councillor
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Contact information
Mobile: 07739 361008
Committee appointments
Terms of Office
- 07/05/2019 - 09/05/2023
- 09/05/2023 - 10/05/2027
Appointments to outside bodies
Additional Information
Abigail is a scientist and a local farmer. She grew up in Brooke and Braunston where the family has farmed for generations and she has nearly always lived in Rutland. Abigail moved to Barrow in 2015 and lives there with her partner Anthony, their terrier Norman and Anthony’s daughter Libby. She spent 7 years with British Rowing.
After Oakham School, Abigail spent 4 years in London, 3 of them gaining a BSc in Russian and History at LSE, and the fourth working in Westminster politics. Upon returning to Rutland in 2006, she worked for Cargill briefly before establishing her laboratory business whilst studying for her MSc in Microbiology and Environmental Science. Abigail is also a qualified agronomist. She is working hard to become carbon neutral.
Her areas of interest are in finance, environmental matters, Rutland tourism and encouraging more people into sports. She has a keenness for financial decision making and leans towards “long term, big picture” decisions rather than quick fixes.
Outside of work Abigail is often found running, rowing, cycling or weightlifting. She enjoys walking Norman and helping out around the farm and loves a day out visiting castles and museums.