Councillor Rosemary Powell

Title: Leader of the Independent Group
Party: Independent
Political grouping: Independent Group
Ward: Whissendine
Parish: Teigh ; Whissendine
More information about this councillor
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Contact information
Phone: 01664 474257
Committee appointments
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Council
- Rutland SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) (Substitute)Local Education Authority Representative
- Strategic Overview and Scrutiny CommitteeRutland County Council
Terms of Office
- 07/05/2019 - 09/05/2023
- 09/05/2023 - 10/05/2027
Appointments to outside bodies
Additional Information
Rosemary has lived in Rutland for 30 years and is married with an adult son. She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, having qualified after graduation, and spent the early part of her career in professional practice and industry.
She then moved into the charity sector and worked as a manager, trainer and advisor for many years at Citizens Advice Rutland and as a project manager at Voluntary Action Rutland. This was followed by 10 years in London, workiing in financial management and consultancy roles for grant making and national charities before being elected as a county councillor in 2019.
Rosemary has always been actively involved in her local community, and has taken on roles including those of school governor and church treasurer and initiating the Whissendine Neighbourhood Plan.
Rosemary has particular interests in sustainable development, improving safety on rural roads, and ensuring the most vulnerable in our community are provided with the services they need.