Councillor Ramsay Ross
Title: Leader of the Labour Group
Party: Labour
Political grouping: Labour Group
Ward: Oakham North West
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Parish: Oakham
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Committee appointments
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Council
- Licensing Committee
- Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair)Rutland County Council
Term of Office
- 09/05/2023 - 10/05/2027
Appointments to outside bodies
- Anglian (Northern) Regional Flood and Costal Committee
- Constitution Working Group
- Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Additional Information
Ramsay is married with two grown up children. He moved to Rutland in 2005.
After leaving the accountancy profession he held senior positions in various contracting and manufacturing businesses. He retired in 2012 and for a further 4 years provided consultancy services to businesses in the UK and overseas. He has had a long-term interest in businesses strategy, benchmarking and the deployment of Six Ligma/Lean.
He holds a first degree in Economics and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. He also holds an MBA and additional post graduate qualifications in marketing.
Since retiring he has been involved in Rutland Health and Social Care Policy Consortium, the Friends of Rutland County Museum and Castle, the Welland Rivers Trust and various bodies in Uppingham including Souper Space (Root & Branch Out).
Ramsay was newly elected to Rutland County Council in May 2023. His priorities are to ensure that future housing development is largely limited to brownfield sites and that a Health Plan is delivered that provides an appropriate range of local services. His outside interests include fishing, history and travel.